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Nov 8, 2012
Feb 25, 2008
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Landaff, NH
retired due to injury to spine and neck

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Forums Luminary, from Landaff, NH

Forums Enthusiast
elaine2004 was last seen:
Nov 8, 2012
    1. Crestlynn
      Thank you very much! That beautiful boy is my late Razzle (Apple Acres Strike it Rich) that I lost much too soon last November when he was attacked and killed by another dog :-( He had 8 points towards his AKC Championship. He was a stunning dog and I'm fortunate to have 4 of his kids waiting in the wings :)
    2. elaine2004
      I know what you mean the mud season is quickly approaching with this milder weather over the last few days. Kia loves the snow but hates the water. She refuses to step in water on the ground from all the melting snow.:rolleyes2: So I have to go down and place her in the snow or she just stands there totally baffled! Like what or where would you like me to go, Um there's water here !:lol: Sheltie quirks.:eek2:
    3. BarbV
      They are doing great together....play, play, play! Two really is better than one! I no longer get nipped - they nip each other instead - but all in good fun!

      It's a mud-bowl in my backyard! And now in my house! I groomed the pups last night....don't know why I bothered because they are totally black again. I can't keep them inside though! They are loving the mild weather!
    4. Calliesmom
      so is today Kia's birthday? give her special treats from me if so- it's mine today too.
    5. Calliesmom
      Happy is pretty tolerant too. I adopted him when he was 5 yrs old. It was winter and we were up in yankeeland and I put a sweater on him- like 2-3 days after getting him and he let me pick up each foot to put them in the holes and pull the top over his head- I was pretty amazed that he let me do that so soon.
    6. Calliesmom
      Hey Elaine,
      Callie was very cute as the sheepony and very tolerant of me putting all kinds of stuff on her. You could tell she'd rather be doing something else but she walked with it on and really didn't try to take it off at all. She could have messed it all up if she'd wanted to but she humored me by wearing everything.
    7. mcguiregirl2248
      Hehehehe, you and me both Elaine! I wouldn't know what I was looking at either. You will most likely be able to tell before she goes into heat because she will blow her coat. Rasha is not spayed yet and everytime she is about to go into heat she blows her coat like crazy!! Hope that helps! Talk to you later!
    8. mcguiregirl2248
      Oh thanks Elaine! I know they need more eyes on here!! I haven't been on in a couple of days though, I have been very busy!! How is Kia doing? Hope things are well!!
    9. elaine2004
      Thanks Patty! Wow so Joey's dad is Kia's Grand-dad, CH Cindahope Trade Mark.:winkgrin: His son CH Halstor Cindahope Trueheart , is Kia's Dad.:cool: The Cindahope Shelties are beautiful aren't they! Thanks , I'm glad you are enjoying the forum it really is addictive isn't it?
    10. pattymaine
      Hi Elaine,
      I just requested you to be my friend--I thought it would be nice if we were friends since our pups are related somehow...:) Kia's graddad, Mark, is my Joey's dad. I just looked at Kia's photos and I do see a resemblance; Kia is a beautiful girl. I always enjoy your posts...
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  • About

    Landaff, NH
    retired due to injury to spine and neck
    Dogs that own me::
    Kia , Sable and white 2 years old
    Jewel, Sheltie Angel - 10/26/2007
    Tasha, now with Jewel - 12/03/2008
    54 year old animal lover

    Crossword puzzles, computer, Watching movies and enjoying my Grand-Children and Obviously Shelties!


    Elaine, Owned by: Kiara
    Jewel,( Sheltie Angel ,10/26/2007)
    Tasha,(Now with Jewel : 12/3/2008)