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Last Activity:
Nov 8, 2012
Feb 25, 2008
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Landaff, NH
retired due to injury to spine and neck

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Forums Luminary, from Landaff, NH

Forums Enthusiast
elaine2004 was last seen:
Nov 8, 2012
    1. mcguiregirl2248
      Hi Elaine! That is Zoe in the picture. I think I am going to change my picture every month so that all of the girls get a turn. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. It is hard, esp. when I see that others have recently lost their dogs and it brings everything back but it's all part of the healing process. I think about you all the time too. How are things out there and how is Kia doing? Hope everything is well. Take care and we'll chat soon! Hugs to you and Kia too!!
    2. granite
      You're welcome. Actually, I check the forum ALL the time just to see folks reaction. :)
      Its so nice to share with people who have the same passion and enthusiasm for these wonderful dogs! Thank you for the friend invite, I'm honored!
    3. Katja
      Hi, their names are Pemrot Black Precious Mole "Zoƫ " she's 4 years old and just 12 inch , and Raise The Roof From Shamrock River "Katja" she is 2,5 years old and for the Netherlands the perfect size 14 inch.
    4. MobiusTubes

      Hi there! Lauri told me about you offering to donate a kidney. I was so touched by that. {{{ }}} She's been a diabetic for such a long time (40 years) that she really has her sights set on a dual transplant: kidney + pancreas. She's just so tired of dealing with her diabetes and all of the stuff that goes along with it. So while a kidney transplant would solve her renal issues, it would still leave her a diabetic. Thanks again ... look forward to hearing from you again and reading your posts on the boards.

    5. BarbV
      I'm going to see a breeder on Sunday (weather permitting....big snow storm is forecasted). She's got a 3 year old merle and and 8 month old Tri. Bringing Bacca with me to see who he likes best! :)

      This is a tough decision getting a 2nd (my weekend spouse HATES the idea!) but I just feel like it's the right thing. My forever pup had two cats to keep him company. Bacca is all on his own.

      But the logistics.....two of everything...or not? Crate them both or just contain them. My brain is whirling! I've never had two pups before. I think I'm about to post a thread....
    6. BarbV
      Bacca is 9 months old now. Hopefully by this time next week, will have a new furkid to play with! Yey! An extra present on Boxing Day!

      Merry Christmas to all of you!
    7. BarbV
      I keep looking at her photos...she's such a beautiful girl! I love her delicate face and her blondish coat.

      What a treasure!
    8. Ania
      What beautiful pictures of Kiara! She has an absolutely beautiful coat! And what a beautiful way to remember Tasha and Jewel. Thank you for sharing their photos and their stories.
    9. elaine2004
      Thank You Esmiles!! :biggrin2:Yes Kiara grew in her full coat pretty quick right between 5 and 7 months. What a difference just those 2 months made. I also want to get another Sheltie but not quite yet because my mixed breed , Tasha who is 14 years old, has been diagnosed with kidney failure and she is progressively slowing down. She doesn't appear to be in any discomfort so we are just watching her and keeping her comfortable with meds. The vet says they can last up to one year with the disease. As long as she is in no pain that's fine. She is and has always been an excellent dog. She outlived My first Sheltie,Jewel. She passed at age 10 years . :cry: When Tasha passes then I will think about another dog so Kiara will have a companion. I think they need companions also so they can run around and play together.:wink2:
    10. Esmiles04
      Elaine, you have such pretty puppies. I wish I could get another sheltie. Kiara is one hairy puppy too! My Sophie is a little more than a month younger than your Kiara.
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  • About

    Landaff, NH
    retired due to injury to spine and neck
    Dogs that own me::
    Kia , Sable and white 2 years old
    Jewel, Sheltie Angel - 10/26/2007
    Tasha, now with Jewel - 12/03/2008
    54 year old animal lover

    Crossword puzzles, computer, Watching movies and enjoying my Grand-Children and Obviously Shelties!


    Elaine, Owned by: Kiara
    Jewel,( Sheltie Angel ,10/26/2007)
    Tasha,(Now with Jewel : 12/3/2008)