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famous seamus
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2015
Feb 19, 2011
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new jersey

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famous seamus


Forums Enthusiast, from new jersey

Forums Enthusiast
famous seamus was last seen:
Jul 11, 2015
    1. Tagg
      Hi Kate: Just a short note to say I'm thinking of you and praying that things have improved.
    2. Tagg
      Hi Kate: Just wanted to let you know that we said goodbye to our Rhiannon today. The house is empty without her and I just feel very tired and sad. She went easily and peacefully. Thanks for your support. It meant a great deal.
    3. Lynnel
      Hey, how's the pup doing today? I felt bad I don't to bring you down at such a happy time for you, I emailed central Illinois rescue and Natalie reviewed Max's tests and agrees something is going on in his stomach, pancreas. Etc. she is going to show there vet and see what he says. See someone is watching over my Max , there is always hope! So let all celebrate your little pup. Hugs :)
    4. famous seamus
      famous seamus
      Yes Lynnel, thanks for asking. I have been stretched these past weeks. We are all well as i hope that you are also and your sweet baby.
    5. Lynnel
      Hi kate haven't been around so much and just wanted to say hi and see how you and your cuties are doing? I hope everyone is well.
    6. famous seamus
      famous seamus
      Yes Lynnel I saw that pix and his Mocha looked just like my Tobey also, isn't that curious? Ahhhh. DaGrinch is on his way to Ohio to pick up two more shelties from the rescue that I worked with in Ohio. Small world, isn't it?
    7. Lynnel
      Kate i found my Wilys twin. A new member feom western maryland, had a small tri called Mocha. Who passed.last Nov. homest my heart dropped when i saw her picture? Oh his name is DaGinch.
    8. famous seamus
      famous seamus
      Lynnel I think it was OntarioSheltie dogs that you saw.
    9. Lynnel
      Oh how sweet they are, how lucky are we :) toby although definetly Mr. cuteness R.I.P. isn't the sheltie I saw. But Kate i have to find this dog, he was the mirro image of my wily. Thanks for doing this i know it must be hard.
    10. Lynnel
      Chanukah and Christmas Lol
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  • About

    new jersey
    Dogs that own me::
    Seamus a sable ten year old, Harper Lee a seven year old tri. Seamus is an easy going shy boy, Harper Lee is an energized little girl. She roughs him up from time to time, bosses him and he has 12 lbs. on her!
    Sheltie lover, writer.

    bicycling, playing fetch, hanging with the shelties


    SheltieGirl & Harper Lee & Bridey(honorary sheltie)
    O'Keeffe- Blue Merle darling RB 2002
    Tobey Love - Tri Mommy's Boy RB 2008
    Famous Seamus - Sable Daddy's # 1 Boy RB 2011