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Jun 14, 2012
May 13, 2009
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May 4
being Ziek's mama

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Forums Regular, from California

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tinyziek was last seen:
Jun 14, 2012
    1. mcguiregirl2248
      Hi Nancy!

      I hope you and your family had a wonderful holdiay season and your new year is off to a great start! How is everyone out there? The girls are doing great! Crazy like always!

      Chat with you soon!
    2. mcguiregirl2248
      Hi Nancy! I'm so sorry that I didn't reply sooner! I haven't been on in months!! I have been very busy and so have the girls. They are doing great! Hope that Ziek is doing better with his allergies! Hope everything is well in California! Hugs!
    3. mcguiregirl2248
      Thank you Nancy! I haven't been on in a while. Hope things are going well at your house. Give Ziek big hugs from the girls!
    4. elaine2004
      Thank you Nancy ! Happy New year to you and all your loved ones as well ! May you all be Blessed with Good health and Happiness through out this year.

      Elaine and Kia
    5. mcguiregirl2248
      Hey Nancy! How are things out there! We have been very busy but everyone is doing great! Give Ziek some hugs from the girls!!
    6. mcguiregirl2248
      Hi Nancy! We are all good over here. It has been pretty hot and humid for the last week. It looks like we are going to cool down for the weekend. We have been so busy here that we haven't been able to take a vacation either! My step-son is in football and that started back in June. I've also been helping with the team lunches and raising some funds for them to get new equipment this year. I haven't even been on here but once this week because I have been so busy! I hope you feel better soon but I bet you are right, Ziek loves the company!! Thanks for dropping a line, take care and we will chat soon!
    7. mcguiregirl2248
      Hi Nancy! How have you been? How is our little buddy Ziek doing? Hope things are going well. Thanks for the picture comment about Zoe. We still miss her so much. She had so much personality. Marlie and Rasha have personality too, just not the same. I'm not sure we will ever find another girl like her. Hope you are enjoying your summer. Have a great rest of the week!

    8. mcguiregirl2248
      Hi! We are very glad that it has finally warmed up here too! We have been busy with yard work and the girls have been busy sunning themselves on the deck! Were you able to get Ziek through all of his meds? I hope so! Anything planned for this summer? We might go camping a couple of times but that's about it. Take care and you guys have a great weekend too!
    9. mcguiregirl2248
      Hi Nancy! Just wanted to stop by and say Hello! Hope things are good out there!! Take care!
    10. Ania
      Thank you for the comments on my babies' albums. Did you figure out how to post photos?
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  • About

    May 4
    being Ziek's mama
    Dogs that own me::
    Ziek was born on February 10, 2006. He loves blueberries, fresh water, taking showers, his mini soccer ball, looking out the window, exploring his backyard, sleeping on his parents' bed, car rides, beef but prefers chicken, and popsicles. He dislikes seafood, being dirty and smelly, when his parents leave for work even though that means he gets their whole bed to himself, cats, and people who don't like animals.

    Funny (but sad for his mama) fact: whenever we go out and ziek sees a female walking by, he will follow her until he realizes he's on a leash.
    wife to the love of my life and mommy to our precious (sheltie) boy, ziek

    baking and cooking


    Nancy ~ Ziek's mama