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Forums Regular, from California
Forums Regular
- tinyziek was last seen:
- Jun 14, 2012
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- Birthday:
- May 4
- Location:
- California
- Occupation:
- being Ziek's mama
- Gender:
- Female
- Dogs that own me::
Ziek was born on February 10, 2006. He loves blueberries, fresh water, taking showers, his mini soccer ball, looking out the window, exploring his backyard, sleeping on his parents' bed, car rides, beef but prefers chicken, and popsicles. He dislikes seafood, being dirty and smelly, when his parents leave for work even though that means he gets their whole bed to himself, cats, and people who don't like animals.
Funny (but sad for his mama) fact: whenever we go out and ziek sees a female walking by, he will follow her until he realizes he's on a leash.
wife to the love of my life and mommy to our precious (sheltie) boy, ziek
baking and cookingInteract
Nancy ~ Ziek's mama