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Feb 3, 2025 at 9:21 AM
Nov 13, 2013
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upstate NY, USA
retired artist

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Forums Sage, Female, from upstate NY, USA

Forums Sage
trini was last seen:
Feb 3, 2025 at 9:21 AM
    1. Noneeds4me
      Hi Trini, This is Terri from the old AOL Boards. I was doing some searching tonight about Panosteitis/Shelties & saw your post about Simba. We have a new pup (21 months old now) that we suspect has this. Xray did not show anything unusual so we went to an Orthopedic Specialist. His symptoms are limping on rotating back legs/whichever he has been laying on. I’d love to hear from you on this.
      1. trini
        Hi Terri, Sorry to hear your pup is having some issues...does he show pain when that leg is touched? If this is Panosteitis there is no real treatment for this bone infection, although anti-inflammatory meds and pain meds are typically used and in time it self resolves.
        BTW have you had him tested for a tick borne disease? Symptoms can be the same as for Panosteitis .
        Mar 15, 2022
      2. Noneeds4me
        Hi again Trini, the thought of Lyme did occur. He has been on Simparica Trio since 11/21. I’m reading it can cause Neuro issues. He was due again which is why it popped into my head to re-read possible side effects so I did not give him another dose and am switching to something else. Did Simba limp 100% of the time?
        Mar 15, 2022
    2. ghggp
      Etch A Sketch ... How cool! I had one as a kid. Loved it!
      Funny how we pick names...
      My 1st black Persian cat I called Flash. When I shot a picture of him with flash bulbs (showing my age) his eyes lit up like FLASH bulbs!
      My 2nd black Persian cat is named SMUDGE... Since I work in Photoshop one of the tools is the SMUDGE tool.
      Hope Sketch is doing better today.
    3. ghggp
      Jumping for JOY on this end! I am so glad to know the vet is very optimistic on Sketch's recovery plan! WONDERFUL NEWS and I know how relieved you must feel. Please continue to keep us posted on his progress. I have been meaning to ask you... how did you come by his name?
    4. ghggp
    5. ghggp
      Poor little boy... I feel so bad for him. The trauma of losing a limb is bad enough. Having pain in his remaining hip is heartbreaking. I hope the can find meds that allow him relief without compromising his awareness. Like human pain killers... They can make you unsteady on your feet. As he is adjusting to only one leg, I am sure he will need all his awareness to adjust. Please let me know what the vet recommends.

      I have been using a massage therapist for Mr Chance as he is not steady in his hind end. The therapy has helped a great deal to relieve his stiffness and provide more blood flow.

      Not sure if could help ... But if your vet might allow it ... It is something to consider.
    6. ghggp
      How is little Sketch doing today? I hope a bit better.
      Thinking of you...

    7. ghggp
      I do really hope you do not have to do surgery! Poor little Dante...
      I know degenerative disc disease is so difficult to treat. My first female sheltie had it and she was 14.5 years old when she became totally paralyzed by it. I opted out of surgery due to her age. I hope your little man keeps going with minimal discomfort. I know it must be hard keeping him contained. Give his a kiss from me. I Always wanted a pom!
    8. ghggp
      How is our little man Dante doing?
    9. ghggp
      Would love to see a picture of little Dante!
    10. donhoward
      Hi Trini. SN seems to be a bunch of nice people. I'm also on Twitter. Most tweeters seem to be sociopaths, so SN seems pretty tame!
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  • About

    upstate NY, USA
    retired artist
    Dogs that own me::
    Laddie, Panda, Riley
    Raised on small diary farm in MA, married, 2 sons, 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren

    dog rescue, gardening, wildlife wilderness preservation
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