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Allowing your Sheltie to sleep in your bed?

Discussion in 'Crates & Beds' started by Sbera, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Sbera

    Sbera Forums Novice

    Jun 17, 2014
    Hello!! I am new to this forum, but I just had a few questions! I would love to have my Sheltie sleep in my bed, but I'm not sure if that's okay! She's house trained and everything.
  2. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    It really is okay to let your Shelties sleep on the bed. When I have brought home puppies, they come into bed with me. All three of mine sleep on the bed now - Emma all night, Liam will get up at some point during the night and so will Natalie. They have worked it out between themselves who sleeps where.
  3. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Southern middle TN
    A toasty Sheltie in the winter is great :biggrin2: Sca jumps up almost every night then after a bit jumps down. In the winter Spitfire will stay down by my feet once in a while all night. In the summer he never stays up even if I put him up. I seldom take an afternoon nap but if I do they both come up. Not sure why Spitfire seems to think that is the thing but Sca has to come up to keep it his kingdom :lol:
  4. MissieLynn

    MissieLynn Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 14, 2013
    Totally! Emmy has the option and sometimes she'll sleep leaned up against my legs, although most of the time she opts for the chest I have at the end of my bed. I think it's because I toss and turn too much for the queen's liking. :eek:
  5. susanmccain

    susanmccain Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 27, 2013
    London, Ohio
    Sir Dash will start the night on the bed...but gets too warm and moves to the floor sometime during the night in the summer. In the winter months he is a "snuggle bug".
  6. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    Yep! Why do you think we bought a king size bed? :lol:
  7. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Oh yes. I can't even think of a time where I didn't have a dog (or cat) (or both) sleeping on the bed.

    I heard once a long time ago that dogs like to sleep with their back to their leader close or touching and I notice that everyone orients that way by choice.

    I have a king size bed an my husband has his own bed in another room -- yea, I know, but we both snore so bad we can't even be in the same room (hotels and the RV are horrible!). One dog and one cat sleep with him. One dog and one cat sleep with me. One cat does his own thing (an odd duck!)

    Snuggle away.
  8. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    Missy slept in bed with me the first couple weeks I had her until she figured out how to jump down in the middle of the night. Now she has been allowed to sleep outside her crate since she was 10 months old. For a while she wouldn't actually stay in bed with me, but would move around from my bed, to the ottoman at the end of my bed, to her bed on the floor, to her crate, or on the floor beside my bed in front of the box fan I sleep with. In the last couple months she's been more cuddly and not only stays in my bed most of the night, but will actually lay against my leg. When we travel, she sleeps glued to my leg also. I guess she's afraid I'm going to leave her in a strange place? I love having her in my bed with me, I just have to wash the sheets very often! I am a very light sleeper, but I use a box fan for white noise, so she rarely wakes me up. I know "experts" have said having pets in the bed is bad for you because it keeps your from getting a good nights sleep, but I don't have that problem here.
  9. dmeyer123

    dmeyer123 Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 18, 2011
    Eastvale, CA
    It's the best!! Lexi sleeps by my feet, until morning when she practically lays on my head to let me know, the sun is up and she should be eating.

    Pyper is a snuggle bug. She must be touching me all night long. I got her in February and thought she'd probably sleep farther away when it got hot. Not so. She has to be in contact all night long all year long. It's been 3 years, so this is how it is.

    Love them both so much!!
  10. Margi

    Margi Forums Sage

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    Fillion has been sleeping on the bed since he was small enough to fit between our pillows (wish I had gotten a picture of that now). Koko doesn't seem to like it--too crowded? too hot? Two people and two shelties on a queen size IS a bit much! :razz:

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