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Another Flyball Update

Discussion in 'Flyball' started by Jess041, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Ron Atkinson

    Ron Atkinson Premium Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Sugarcreek, Ohio
    That's Fantastic, What an accomplishment. Congratulations!!!
    Sharon7 likes this.
  2. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    what? you were in Alabama and you didn't let us know:rolleyes2::eek2:
    Sandy in CT, Sharon7 and Ron Atkinson like this.
  3. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    Congrats Jess and Missy- way to go:yes:
    Sandy in CT, Sharon7 and Ron Atkinson like this.
  4. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    WOW!!!!!! Big congratulations to Missy and Jess. What a feat, go Missy!! :biggrin2:
    Sandy in CT and Ron Atkinson like this.
  5. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    Yes, we were in Clanton Oct 20th-23rd last year. We got there late on Thursday, played Flyball on Fri, Sat, Sun. Sunday after the tournament I drove to Georgia to visit my aunt and uncle for a few days. I’m not sure when we’ll be back in that region. We love our region 14 friends, but Dixie Flyers isn’t hosting anymore, so the tournaments are in Kentucky and Tennessee. Missy is almost 12 so I’ve decided we’re done traveling out of state until Roxie (aussie puppy) is running full time. She debuted at her first tournament 2 weeks ago and did awesome! So we might start traveling again in 2024.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
    Calliesmom, Ron Atkinson and Ann like this.
  6. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    Yes, she finally reached #6. I’m pretty sure that’s as high as she’ll get because the #5 dog has 90,000 points and that would be at least 2 more years of running full time for her to pass them. She has 76k right now. I’m still not sure she’ll get to 80k. She’s doing great health-wise so far and doesn’t appear to have any arthritis or anything. She’s still having a blast playing, so I’ll let her play as long as she’s up for it!

    In other news, 2 weeks ago she earned another flyball title! Multibreed Onyx. So 20k points running on multibreed teams.
  7. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Hey congrats. Gosh I remember when Missy was just starting out.

    Kismet has been doing flyball but she doesn't have the passion for the ball like Tully did
    SheepOfBlue and Ron Atkinson like this.

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