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Can you delete my thread?

Discussion in 'Frequently Asked Questions' started by Kelly, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. Kelly

    Kelly Administrator

    Feb 21, 2008
    Short answer: no.

    As it states in our rules, "This is not your kitchen, and what you say can be read by hundreds or thousands of people. (Possibly including people you're writing about.) Please post responsibly -- just because you might be posting anonymously does not give you license to say things that you wouldn't want attributed to you."

    Please do not contact the moderators and ask us to delete a thread because you don't like the direction the discussion has taken, or you've gotten in trouble with someone else over what you said. You are responsible for what you post, and as in real life, once you put it out there, you can't take it back. Keep that in mind when you post.

    However with that being said, you can modify your posts within 24 hours of posting it. After that, it is locked.

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