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Chew toys for crate?

Discussion in 'Toys' started by Rileys mom, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Rileys mom

    Rileys mom Forums Enthusiast

    May 6, 2013
    When I crate Riley, I would like to put a chew toy in his crate to give him something to do. What are some safe chew toy recommendations that he could have unspervised?

    I have a nylabone for puppies but I don't him have that unsupervised. Has anyone used the Orka toys?
  2. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    When Fillion was being crated at night, I would put Busy Bee and a bully stick in for him. His bee was his favorite plush toy from the first day :smile2:
  3. Tabitha

    Tabitha Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2013
    Lubbock, Texas
    I'm assuming you don't give him the puppy nylabone unsupervised because you worried he might choke on it, but just today I spotted a very long nylabone filled with turkey flavorings. I don't know how big your dog is so I don't know if this would work or not but he wouldn't swallow it (or not until it got very small, I would throw it out it out at that time). I also use treat dispensers. The package says that it will keep your dog occupied for hours, but my dogs will lick them clean in less than 30 minutes.:rolleyes2:
  4. Rileys mom

    Rileys mom Forums Enthusiast

    May 6, 2013
    I had read warnings about the possibility of the nylabone breaking into small pieces. Maybe I am to worried something will happen. I haven't seen any othr shelties to compare Riley too, but I think he seems pretty small so maybe he can't chew hard enough with puppy teeth to break the nylabone. I have not seen Riley show much interest in the puppy nylabone for awhile. Maybe he needs a flavored one to hold his interest? I will have to try to find the turkey one you mentioned

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