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Faith earned her angel wings

Discussion in 'Sheltie Angels' started by Sharon7, Oct 31, 2024.

  1. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    We found out that Faith had brain tumors last November. We were told maybe 6 months. Faith beat the odds to almost double that time. First we pre-mourned. Then we got anxious at 6 months. Then we relaxed again at 7 months, plainly she did not intend to go anywhere soon.

    Our beloved Tri girl Faith Elaine Mae, aka Icon Lucky Dice left us peacefully and easily on her journey to the Bridge to meet again her playmate and grandma, Brooke. Our vet friend came to the house. First time we've actually scheduled this, always before it was a last minute crisis and traumatic decision.

    Cried and second-guessed ourselves all day, because despite an awful day the day before, come Tuesday morning she was perky, wanted breakfast, walked around outside although unsteadily and still getting stuck.

    We gave her a big slice of watermelon when our petsitter came over to say goodbye and were able to video her chomping away at it with glee, rind and all. Made us all laugh and then cry.

    Faith came as a 2 year old and after a few days to adjust, settled in easily, respecting senior Ally's space and dignity and egging Brooke on to play. She did agility for a while and was excellent at it. But her real love was Nosework and she and I developed into a good team. She was SO FAST at everything she did; life was to be lived at top speed, apparently.

    She was also very affectionate, loved giving kisses and morning face washes. She welcomed Elijah and then Meadow into the family.

    I'm crying a lot and the house feels empty - even with the other two. I see her everywhere I look. What an awful year with Meadow's epilepsy (now finally controlled) and TWO gallbladder surgeries and now this.

    Here are some photos taken by a dog club member who is a pro. My athletic girl. I love you forever Faith and we will meet again, I am glad you are free of disability and distress.

    Faith leap.JPG

    Faith Flying.JPG

    Faith Chasing.JPG

  2. Margi

    Margi Forums Sage

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    RIP Beautiful Faith.
    With Shelties that means Run In Play, just like those wonderful photos show!
  3. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    What a beatiful tribute to Faith, Sharon. She had a wonderful life with you, and gave you warm memories. I hope you find comfort there. :hugs
  4. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    You have my deepest sympathies Sharon…I know how difficult it is to make that decision to say goodbye to such a well loved dog!
    You gave Faith the best life possible right up until the end and I’m certain she knew how loved she was. Still, it doesn’t make it any easier…I hope that as time passes you’ll be able to look back on your memories with Faith and remember the love you shared fondly.
    RIP Faith
    Hugs to you and gentle pats to Meadow and Eli!:hugs:hugs
    Ann, Sandy in CT, RikyR and 3 others like this.
  5. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    I know it doesn't make it easier, but I am glad you had the extra time with Faith to love on her.
    Piper's mom, Ann, Sandy in CT and 2 others like this.
  6. woof

    woof Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 13, 2008
    I join so many others in sharing your grief for this exceptional furbuddy. What wonderful pictures of her in motion- a forever memory of poetry in motion. I can only imagine the weight of the world that you must feel right and the forever hole in your heart. For me those holes never really heal but become part of me and who I am, forever changed by the presence of a ball of flying fur and wet tongues. You have to know in the end that it was the correct decision and she cast off on her journey in absolute peace and surrounded by love. It is hard to love that which death can touch but we do it and relish the joy that was ours for the oh so brief a time they were with us. I so admire vets who will make house calls for these times they are a blessing. Peace.
    Piper's mom, Ann, Sandy in CT and 3 others like this.
  7. Ron Atkinson

    Ron Atkinson Premium Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Sugarcreek, Ohio
    I am not good at saying good bye, it's more like until we meet again. RIP Faith, You did amazing things and beat incredible odds. I know you know that you were loved and will be missed. Your siblings promise to look after the family until you all are reunited at the bridge.
    Sharon,I hope you can find peace in all the good memories that you have of Faith Never doubt that you are an awesome Sheltie Mom. Faith is now steady on her feet and pain free, because you gave the ultimate gift of Love
    Piper's mom, woof, Sharon7 and 3 others like this.
  8. Elei

    Elei Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 10, 2019
    Faith sounds like a wonderful and strong sheltie who lived a great life. Those pictures are absolutely gorgeous, what a beautiful and athletic girl Faith was.
    Hugs to you and your pups
  9. RikyR

    RikyR Premium Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    Baton Rouge LA
    RIP Faith, you will be missed by all, but the love for you will never end.
    Piper's mom, Sharon7 and Sandy in CT like this.
  10. Sandy in CT

    Sandy in CT Premium Member

    Aug 5, 2018
    RIP dear Faith......

    Sitting here crying for your momma, daddy, brother and sister. Will miss pics of you with your momma's flowerbeds and fun playdates. Thank you for the years of entertainment. I never met you, I loved you from afar, I will miss you....

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