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Flea Infestation

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by MissyGallant, May 28, 2019.

  1. MissyGallant

    MissyGallant Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 20, 2011
    UGH! One of the indoor cats got outside and brought home a bunch of parasitic nasty friends. Now we have an infestation. We've been using Frontline, but it isn't working at this point. We have bathed the dogs and one cat. They are miserable. Any advice on products that are actually useful? Do we need to use Capstar every day? We've been fighting this a couple of months and are really losing the war since Spring has really hit.
  2. GlennR

    GlennR Premium Member

    Jan 11, 2019
    Ontario, Canada
    We tried Bravecto in an edible form and Willow got a bad case of the runs. They do have a topical version that you can use. Fleas or tics that bite, die. I hesitate to recommend it due to Willow's digestive issues and some worries about side effects but if things get desperate, it does appear to work.
  3. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Capstar is a one off to get rid of the fleas on them, but it doesn't provide ongoing resistance or work on eggs, you'll need a monthly for that.

    When I got an infestation (from cats too) the cat vet suggested a couple of flea treatments that would kill the fleas and infect the eggs in the house as well. It's way past bed time so let me sleep on it, but you could call your vet and see if they know which ones it is. I use Revolution on the cats on a regular basis now, but can't remember if it's the one that works for infestations (although I haven't had an issue with it). Can't help with the dogs, we tried a couple of different brands when Frontline stopped working on fleas, but I never found anything that didn't make one of the dogs sick.
  4. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Two suggestions. I try and minimize the poison load on the dogs, so although fleas are year around here, I give generic lufenuron/Capstar combo that is very inexpensive. It is a monthly capsule, can be opened and sprinkled on food. The way it works is the lufenuron (was brand-name Program) controls flea populations by making them infertile, and as you know the capstar kills them off but only lasts 24 hours. It definitely works for us, they get the occasional flea but it's no big deal. You can get it online from Pets Need Meds.

    After Faith's scary tick paralysis last year, we started giving Credelio during summer months. It is a monthly oral, my vet recommended, kills both fleas and ticks. No side effects on any of the 3. It is more expensive.

    Frontline does not work here anymore either.
  5. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio
    We use nexgard, and I've been very pleased with it. It works great on both the dogs.
  6. Bailey's Mom

    Bailey's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    This is how we got on a pest control contract. Our second rescue came home with an infestation and vet suggested professional treatment as the do it yourself treatments don't always get all the creatures. They've dealt with other pest issues since but the vet kept both dogs and bathed them with flea treatment while we had house treated. She has isolation section so they couldn't I infect others and they could be boarded while treatment being done since nobody was supposed to be in house.

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