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Flyball harness

Discussion in 'Flyball' started by SheepOfBlue, May 11, 2023.

  1. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Southern middle TN
    No telling whether he will race but he is styling a harness now. IMG_0581.jpg
    RikyR, Chris, Calliesmom and 4 others like this.
  2. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Lookin' good Ian! How is the fetching coming? Showing some promise?
    Ron Atkinson and Sandy in CT like this.
  3. Sandy in CT

    Sandy in CT Premium Member

    Aug 5, 2018
    Good color on him! Have to keep us appraised to how he is doing!

    We tried flyball with Brodie a few weeks back since he LOVES to fetch. My snooty dog, though, who will not take a treat from a hand if it has another dog's slobber on it... who is completely and utterly ball obsessed, would not pick up a ball that one of the other dogs had mouthed - so much for that round of training!
    RikyR, Sharon7 and Ron Atkinson like this.
  4. Ron Atkinson

    Ron Atkinson Premium Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Sugarcreek, Ohio
    He is doing good from playing fetch and now getting use to his harness is a great start.Also doesn't hurt he is so handsome :)
    Sharon7 likes this.
  5. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Southern middle TN
    He does decent and will initiate some by bringing me the ball. Of course his favorite is a poor choice and it is a big kong that would not work. But progress. He definitely is a character with drive though so that is good. Angus loved to run but had zero focus and would take time in my lap over anything else (well maybe not food). And Spitfire just does as he pleases regardless of outside influence. That was the only reason we trained as long as we did. Had he ever clicked into it was HIS thing he would have been fast, reliable and unstoppable. Alas he just used the time to torment others.
    RikyR, Chris, Sharon7 and 1 other person like this.
  6. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Kismet has her own balls for flyball, in fact Deska and Tully had their own balls too. Deska liked rubber balls and Tully had soft small balls, Kismet has smaller balls again. But Frankly, I don't want to pick up balls that have been slobbered and chewed by other bigger dogs either. So yea, no other other slobber on us.
    RikyR, Chris and Ron Atkinson like this.

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