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Food for Kidney Issues

Discussion in 'Commercial Food' started by Ann, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    I know we've had discussions on this topic in several threads, but I just came across this information on another board and thought I'd share it here for those who don't like feeding the veterinary KD foods. This poster is a Sheltie person and has had good results with this food for her dog with kidney issues. Here's the link to the food, called First Mate, made in Canada. She gets it through Amazon. I don't know if it's available to buy here in the states in any retailers.

    Here's her post detailing her experience with the food:
    Several years ago one of my dogs had a bad kidney infection and has been having kidney problems off and on since. My vet wanted to put him on KD about 6 months ago. I have a problem with the ingredient list, so I told him I was going to find something better.

    My parameters were a food that was under .6% phosphorous with a moderate high-quality protein content (reducing the phos count) and a low sodium percentage. And... that had ingredients that were actually food.

    I found FirstMate Senior. It is made by a Canadian company that produces their own food and uses quality ingredients.

    As they say, proof is in the pudding. I got blood work back on all three of my seniors today. All three have had high kidney values for the last two years. They are now all right in the middle of the normal range. My vet was floored.
  2. mellie

    mellie Forums Enthusiast

    May 18, 2011
    East Coast
    Great to hear that your dog's kidney levels have come down !! Also great to hear about a quality food that really works. Cool avatar too.
  3. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    I have bookmarked this info for the future just in case. Thanks for passing on the post.

    Just curious, what is it that makes Science Diet K/D so despised? Several other people have knocked it, so just wondering....

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