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Gnawing on legs

Discussion in 'Senior Sheltie Health' started by Lelleh, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. Lelleh

    Lelleh Forums Novice

    Nov 2, 2017
    Does anyone else have a sheltie that gnaws on his/her legs? My Layla has been doing it for a couple years. She’s 12 and it probably started around 9. We put her on previcox (pain medication) at that time because we discovered she has some arthritis. We only give it to her as needed because it can be hard on the kidneys. She gets it most often in the winter or before/after a long walk. We also just started giving her fish oil every day and she has completely stopped chewing on one of the two front legs. That makes me think she may be in pain more than just a habit. Does anyone have any other suggestions on what I can do to help her pain and/or stop this behavior? I changed her to a grain free diet about 3 months ago that has 1200mg of chondroitian and 900mg of glucosamine. Honestly I haven’t seen a change from the food at all, that’s why we started the fish oil. Thanks!!
  2. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Amazing! I have a Layla, and she's been a leg nibbler for the longest time. It was arthritis -- I guess she was trying to distract herself. Since we had her elbows cleaned up surgically, there's been no recurrence -- and she used to do it until her legs became stained brown.
  3. Lelleh

    Lelleh Forums Novice

    Nov 2, 2017
    Oh yes her legs are stained brown for sure. Maybe it’s a Layla thing ha! She should probably go back to the vet to get checked out anyway. It’s been awhile.
  4. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    If her liver levels are good, she might benefit from Medicam. I've put Layla on canabidiol (also known as hemp oil). She seems MUCH livelier. But I'm reluctant to try to take that overseas when we go to Paris in March, so I'll bring Medicam for that trip.

    Since her surgery, the leg licking has disappeared. She still nibbles her toes occasionally, but that's just for fun. :lol:
  5. sable

    sable Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2008
    Sounds like it could be arthritis. Bitter Apple might work to stop her gnawing on that spot. Normally fur kids do
    not like the taste of it.
  6. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    My girl Lexi does this once a year. Usually mid-October as it starts to get cold. For her, it’s an allergy to something in grass/yard around this time of year. Lucky for us it can be corrected by telling her to leave it or just a Benadryl or two on the really bad days.
  7. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    Gavin isn't leg nibbler per se, he has always been a front paw nibbler! Specifically he bites his nails loudly and licks his front paws. Since he leaves his rear legs alone (and that includes his naked cancer paw), I figure it is habit and not related to anything he picks up walking.
  8. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Tully is a leg chewer and licker. Hers is due to allergies, probably grass too.
  9. Cara Sandler

    Cara Sandler Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 11, 2015
    Except for my puppy Skylar. I put bitter apple on the bathroom door frame - Skylar's favorite place to chew - and as a result the door frame is almost completely gone in that spot. She LOVES bitter apple. Then again, this is the dog who would consume her plastic toys if I allowed her to.

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