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Homemade Dog Treat Recipes

Discussion in 'Recipes' started by Chris, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    I was so excited to see this thread. I was reading about the different treats people made for their dogs and was going to start a thread asking for recipes. I guess great minds think alike.:biggrin2:
  2. Silaria

    Silaria Forums Sage

    Sep 19, 2008
    Aspinwall, PA
    Thanks for that information. I wasn't sure what type of flour I could substitute. I was thinking rice or rye but *shrugs*

    I have a link to a site with a lot of yummy sounding recipes. I'll have to post it when I get home on Monday. (Traveling this weekend; in Chicago until Monday morning.)
  3. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    I tried the Banana Mutt Cookies today. Smudge loved them! :biggrin2: I tried one and spit it back out. :lol:
  4. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Hey, Jessica!

    Just a suggestion - given Smudges delicate tummy at the moment, you may want to hold off on other foods. I don't think it's going to help to get his digestive settled. Just a thought! :smile2:
  5. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    I went into town Thursday and found a set of Christmas cookie cutters for $3 and abone shaped polka dot tin for also about $3. So I did a test run tonight in the kitchen to see how the Banana Mutt Cookies would look like in shapes. I added a bit more oats than was called for, a little less banana than it called for. I also cooked them for a splash longer. I was trying them out, because this is what I'm giving my grandmother's dog for Christmas. I'm going to put them in the tin.


  6. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    By the way, the reason I used more oats is because I was afraid it would have been too runny to use with the cookie cutters otherwise. To get the shapes I placed different cookies cutters onto the pan. Then I scooped out the mutt mix and packed it inside the cutter. Once I had some packed in, I lifted the cutter up. :biggrin2:

    I had made candy canes and snowmen as well, but those turned out terrible. The candy cane shapes are almost impossible to get off the pan without breaking because they are so long and thin.
  7. We made these for Nellie & jake's 1st birthday party. THEY LOVED THEM!!!!!!!!! I didn't like the taste......but they did. Thanks!:smile2:

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