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How much to feed

Discussion in 'Commercial Food' started by The Quahog, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. The Quahog

    The Quahog Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 1, 2009
    Rhode island
    This is from another thread right 'next door', but rather than hijack that thread i thought I would leave it to the discussion about that calorie counter and turn to the general question.
    When clients ask me 'How much should I feed my dog' I reply ' If you got your dog from the shelter yesterday and are looking for a ball park we can discuss one cup for so many pounds, one can for so many pounds, so many calories per pound per day etc. etc.

    But if you bring me in a five year old dog and ask me how much to feed the answer is 'If she is too heavy, less. If she is too skinny, more.' They are all individuals with different metabolic rates, activity levels etc. so thee is no 'formula'. However formulas can be useful 0 - if someone says ' But I only give her three cups a day, plus a few treats', and we calculate that they are feeding their 80 pound dog, who should be 70, enough for a hundred pound dog each day, then it all 'lines up'.

    This relates to the above because I have never understood why dog foods do not list calories on the bag/can. Yes, it is generally proportional to protein, so you can use that as a rough guide (ie a 26% protein puppy food has about 1/4 more calories than a 20% adult food). I realize that it has to do with measuring by 'cups' rather than weight, but still, if you are going to list nutritional information why not list the most important one?

    That would make it a lot easier, particularly for the 'casual' dog owner (ire about 95% of them) to figure out if their feeding levels are appropriate.
    - Dr. Mac
  2. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    Amen. Keep it simple.
  3. SheltieChe

    SheltieChe Forums Sage

    Jan 6, 2010
    yeah, I am on simple side too. Keep them trim and fit and active, food is adjustable.
    I think many dog owners do go nuts trying to figure out their dog nutritional needs, I wish they did it for themselves and human food as much. OTOH lack of info and attempt of companies to produce "the holiest of holistic foods" and mass marketing would drive anyone crazy. And of course vets are not really taught on nutrition so there is lots of personal opinions all around. I suppose we should not be surprised since it is same in human world and medicine.
  4. Hurtseverywhere

    Hurtseverywhere Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 22, 2010
    London Ont
    I think Some do petcurean list Now puppy as 440 kcals / 250 ml (8 oz) cup on there web site and adult at 400 ,,, I believe it 's on the bag as well But I don't have one to check right now and have a general feeding chart on thier web site for various size weight combinations. I have notice that a lot of the treats( pure bites & Charlie bears) now list calories as well on the bag so I think it is improving.

    I allways use the you should be able to just feel thier ribs under thier coat as you run you hands along thier side with mine, as instructed by my vet, if the ribs dissapear it diet time.
  5. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    I just checked my bag of Now! It's the adult maintenance at its 360 cal per cup.

    I never noticed it before, but I agree that it would be a great add in helping decide what food is appropriate for your dog.
  6. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    All the foods I use list calorie content - except for treats. I used to find the calorie information very useful when the dogs were younger so I think it can be very useful to inexperienced dog feeders.

    What I find really annoying is treats not having calorie content. I think if people could see the calories in treats there would be less treats being doled out. Which of course is why they dont carry calorie information.
  7. Herd4fun

    Herd4fun Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 26, 2010
    New York(Not the city)
    I'm currently on Orijen and Acana and both bags list the calories on it. I'd have to check a garbage food like beneful to see what those say. I'm not one to trust feeding guidlines on dog food bags anyway. According to the bag I should be feeding 1 1/2 cups per day for one dog and 1 cup per day to the other dog. They get 3/4 a cup a day and do a half-fast day every sunday(only get one meal instead of 2) and maintain their weights perfectly, right where I want them to be.

    I'm switching to raw in 3 days so we'll see how that goes, I'm sure I'll have to figure out differently but I'll be starting at 1/2 a pound per dog per day and adjust from there.
  8. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    I like knowing the calories. When we had switched to TOTW the first thing I told hubby was to watch their weight. Because it had about 150 less calories per (was it cup? or half a cup) less than the previous food. And when we switched again, it went up, so again, I said watch their weight.

    And sure enough, on TOTW, we had to up their food intake to a heaping 1/2c versus back down to a level 1/2c on Acana. It at least helps me know where to start at with a new food.

    Unfortunately, I can't tell if they're good weight, overweight, what? My vet said they were both fine when they weighed 24lb and 21lb. But now that they're at 18/19 lb, I have to say, Miko's back no longer arches. Although Koji feels the same fatness, but he's 5lbs less. You think it's all fur? lol. Time to go to the vet again.
  9. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    How tall are they? Those weights seem reasonable for a smaller, fine boned Sheltie.
  10. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Koji is 17.5". I'd say he's more fine boned than Miko.
    Miko is 15.5". He's on the fine boned side, but seems big boned compared to Koji (his brother was big boned).

    I don't want this thread to get OT, so don't worry about it. I know they're not real skinny (their ribs aren't easily felt), but I just worry cuz that seems so low. lol. Vet time soon anyways.

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