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Koji's Instinct Test

Discussion in 'Herding & Tracking' started by k9kreationz, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Well, I finally took Koji to get tested. Obviously, from my eyes, it looked like he just wanted to chase the sheep down, but I dunno. I also noticed he tends to break the sheep apart to chase them. Hmm...

    Prior to Koji was some Aussies. The guy had the stick with a plastic bottle on the end. He'd hit the ground in front of the dog to get the dog off the sheep and get the dogs attention. I was a bit worried as it seemed so harsh. The trainers wife later said that the trainer wouldn't be like that with Koji as that Aussie gets in the sheeps face a lot, so he has to be harsher with the stick to get him off. Phew. I had heard some bad things about some trainers being really harsh with Shelties....when we all know, usually, they need a softer hand (maybe not Koji since he can be hard of hearing at times aka ignores me).

    Videos are below. It was one quick session, but I didn't know how long my phone would have videoed so at some point, I stopped then started again. Also, sorry if I'm all over the place, I was watching the real thing, not through the screen as I taped it.

    In the end, the guy said Koji passed the test with "flying colors" and we'll get our certificate in the mail. I asked him a bit about Koji "going after" the sheep and he said, well, that's what they're supposed to do. He asked me if I saw the aussie earlier, he said that aussie gets in the sheeps face and won't back down easily. I guess Koji doesn't get in their face and tends to back off (the plastic bottle came out at one point). I have to admit though. I am impressed that he did stop and stay back when the trainer wanted him to. But when he let Koji go for it, yikes!

    To me, it looked crazy. The guy said he has the instinct and isn't so driven that he won't listen (meaning take commands), so with some training, he can learn how to herd properly.

    For those that do herding or know more. What do you think about the videos? First impressions? I was told it's best if you do it a few more times to see how they do.

    (BTW Ashley, after watching your vids I thought to myself, there is no way in heck that Koji would be so calm. And well, watch the vid, he wasn't in anyway. He was already barking at them before he got in the pen.)

    Someone's getting a bath now. He needed it before, but gross, his white is now brown. So he's now a full brown dog. Oh and he's sleeping again. Wakey wakey. Time for a bath.

    Main part
    continuation (not much to see here)
  2. Tabitha

    Tabitha Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2013
    Lubbock, Texas
    I agree with what the trainer said on the second video, he did do a very good job. Though he needs to work on the grouping, but that can come in time. He has the instinct, the drive, and the will to herd. Go Koji!:biggrin2:
  3. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    was that an official AKC instinct test?

    my friend and I took our puppies yesterday to see what they thought about sheep- will post once I get the videos up:winkgrin:
  4. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    Very cool! I really want to try this.

    Koji really looked like he was into it and did back off when the guy told him to. In the 2nd video, it looks like Koji tried to nip the sheep's back.

    Isn't it cool to see your dog do what the breed was originally bred to do?
  5. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    I'll take your word for it. LOL. I keep looking at it thinking.....he's just chasing. But he's so excited. Probably because that's all he ever wants to do. I have to figure out how to combine the two vids. I wonder if I can do that on my phone. LOL
  6. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Yes it was. I mean, I paid the guy and he said I was going to get some sort of certificate in the mail. LOL. He's also an AKC judge, so I would think he knows what he's doing.
  7. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Really now? Well, aren't Shelties known to nip when herding? I was afraid he was going to get a beat down like the Aussie who wouldn't back off. But after seeing the Aussie again after Koji, oh yeah, Koji is much more biddable. Which is good. I have to admit, I was surprised since once Koji is over his threshold, he's so hard to calm back down. I guess as long as the sheep weren't running, he was fine. lol.

    It is neat, but honestly, I still see it as chasing. I guess I'd have to train him before I go "omg, this is soooo cool".
  8. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    Well herding is just muted prey drive.:smile2: Muted just before the kill part. So it should look like chasing somewhat. What you are looking for or so I was told is some interest in the sheep and willingness to engage them. You can train them from there. If they have no interest in them or refuse to engage you really can't train them.

    Rachel took Diva to get tested on sheep last year, it wasn't an official test but after sniffing and trying to eat a little sheep poop , she finally noticed the sheep and I guess went crazy. From what Rachel said at first she just chased them around but then started running for the head back and forth tying to cut them off when she realized it wasn't working chasing them. Rachel said at first it looked a lot like uncontrolled chasing/barking but then it started to change into a more herding like behavior. She was told Diva had a lot of instinct. Of course, no video.

    We took Grizz and Jamie the next month. Grizz did pretty well, Jamie did ok but reserved like he does everything. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsEQT4yMY5Q

    I really think it is neat to see Shelties do what they are meant to do.
  9. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    I was curious because you need a pass from two AKC herding judges to get the herding instinct certificate........
  10. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    Wow--such a different approach! He looks like an aussie that was on the sheep when we were there. They used the plastic bucket on the aussie. Seems like he is just way more "high" than Bentley & Lexi were.

    I felt like Bentley was thinking, and Lexi was playing. Koji means business! Glad he reacted to the stick though, bet that means you could train him if you wanted. Some dogs don't back down even with the stick/shaking.

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