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lying on side for grooming?

Discussion in 'Show Grooming' started by Jubjub81, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Jubjub81

    Jubjub81 Forums Regular

    Jun 7, 2013
    Well the title says it all. How do you train a puppy to lay on its side for grooming? I've had my puppy since september, and we hope to show him to his Ch. But we haven't got anywhere with him lying on his side for grooming. Any suggestions? How did you train your dog?
  2. Greenepony

    Greenepony Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 2, 2012
    We taught Olive to lay down ("down"), then lay on her side ("go boom" - DH's accidental command, I'm sure there's a better one out there) and then just worked on her patience with bits of dried liver.
  3. jomuir

    jomuir Forums Enthusiast

    May 10, 2011
    We have 2 Shelties. Forrest will lay on his side for us on his own, Roxie will never do it for us. I have to have her standing, then hug her to me, then I lay her down while hugging her. She's okay once she's down, that is as long as there's a steady supply of Cheerios to help her stay patient :biggrin2:
  4. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    Some dogs never get comfortable enough to lie on their sides on a grooming table..I have one..we are working on it but its a work in progress...All of mine I physically pick them up and lie them on their side on the grooming table,no command or anything..they just know they way I pick them up they are going on their side. The one that panics is when shes up high on the table on her side (she'd rather be standing) ive been putting her on her side and than I lean my body over her and talk to her ear and give her a cookie..shes better but not perfect...

    I have to say my two best here are Noah and Mia...They will both lie there till the cows come home and not move...even Mia will get to the point where she rolls on her back to have her stomach done..shes a very trusting dog..

    I also will not line brush generally at shows, I do them before we leave. Too much going on at shows that are distracting to have them on their side. But thats just me.
  5. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    I'm with Linda--I usually pick mine up and lay them on their side manually. Once they're there, I reward them for being still. When they are puppies, they only have to be still for a second or two before they get a treat. Now they have to wait a few minutes!
  6. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    I normally groom on the floor. It's hard on the back though.

    When I have to, I put the dogs into a Heimlich maneuver with my legs. Pin them down. Once they settle, they get a treat.

    I also have the advantage of my lazy susan grooming table that David built for me. It can go on a table or floor. It rotates just like a lazy susan but also has an attachable grooming arm.

    I just put the dogs on an spin them around.

  7. Jubjub81

    Jubjub81 Forums Regular

    Jun 7, 2013
    Thank you for the quick responses :smile2: Seems like i had the right idea, but i just need to add that constant stream of cherrios :lol:
  8. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    I often make Shelby lay down on the ottoman then I can sit on the sofa to brush her. She knows how to roll over and play dead so I just get her down that way. Of course she always wants to see what I am doing so I have to keep her head down with my arm. Lots of treats help too. She also always wants her belly brushed so she is constantly trying to roll on her back.

    Honestly I find it easier if I lay her on my lap and brush her. She stays still when I put her on my lap and can't roll around like she does on the ottoman. Also it is easier on my back. I know it isn't ideal but it works for us, and she actually enjoys it. I love brushing her it is great bonding time.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2013
  9. Laddie's Mom

    Laddie's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 3, 2013
    Some good ideas here, I can not seem to get Laddie to lie on his side while grooming, LOL, he is a wiggle worm. Standing on his grooming table works best for us, but, I envy those whose dog will let you brush them on their side, probably a lot easier.
  10. Justme

    Justme Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 6, 2011
    Minneapolis, MN
    I groomed my boy on the (carpeted) floor, on his side. He just laid there, limp as a rag, and let out an occasional contented sigh. When I was done with one side, I gently rolled him over to the other side. His face would then become engulfed in his chest fur, but he patiently waited for me to brush it aside with my hands.

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