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Meet Kis-Kis (Kismet)

Discussion in 'Puppies 101' started by Caro, Mar 8, 2020.

  1. Sandy in CT

    Sandy in CT Premium Member

    Aug 5, 2018
    She is SOOOO cute! Can't wait to see more of Kismet!
    Piper's mom likes this.
  2. KarenCurtis

    KarenCurtis Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2010
    Piper's mom likes this.
  3. Darren

    Darren Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 1, 2019
    Margi is right, the way you described her is how I have thought Monty would have behaved as a pup lol. That little pup may be keeping you busy for a long time :ROFLMAO:
    At least she is super cute, you just can't get annoyed at super cute :lol:
    Piper's mom, Ann, Hanne and 1 other person like this.
  4. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    That is so funny, because I was reading your posts today about Monty and thinking the same thing!
    Piper's mom and Sandy in CT like this.
  5. MidWestJen

    MidWestJen Forums Regular

    Mar 8, 2014
    I have two puppies right now and the first three weeks I was pretty miserable with how things were going. Between the new hectic schedule and Strider attacking them in quick fits of furry, I was completely overwhelmed. Thankfully it has gotten better. I've had them over 7 weeks now and we've slipped into a better schedule. Strider hasn't went after them in quite a while now. He lays with me again during movie time even when a pup is on my lap. For awhile I felt bad because he ALWAYS laid with me but refused now that a puppy was there, too. He has relaxed and so have I. Not that things are as easy for me as before they came, but it's definitely better and I can say my affection for them has grown every day. After my old Boston died and these two came I felt like two strangers had moved in. Cute, yes. But still strangers. I think my grief was clouding my joy and ability to connect. But now there's light. I'm not even kidding when I say I VERY seriously thought of giving up, but partially thanks to this board, I'm in a better place mentally and finding joy.

    I hope your beautiful girl brings you tons of joy and that every day is a little easier for you as everyone adjusts.
  6. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Kismet's new sleeping buddy is Barry Woofster, the stuffed dog I was given by Santa 40yrs ago. She also adores the cats - who have been amazingly tolerant, unlike growling Tully.

    Went into the yard with Tully today while Della was at the groomer. It's no use going out with Della, who just barks and barks and scares pup. At the end of the video Tully tells her to go away, and she did - had to go find her.
    And please do admire the green in my backyard, after drought, heat and fires I had no grass and came back to this after being away. I'll need to unpack the mower before I lose Kismet!

  7. Sandy in CT

    Sandy in CT Premium Member

    Aug 5, 2018
    So cute! They are going to be besties (someday). I love the expression of your cat with puppy curled up beside.....
    Piper's mom and Hanne like this.
  8. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    Caro, that picture of Kismet with Woofy is priceless! She is just such a cutie and you can see that little mind working in her expression. Thanks for giving us all such a great puppy fix! :love:
    Piper's mom and Sharon7 like this.
  9. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    What a little ball of energy! She makes me tired just watching her run at full speed!
    Frisbee is a great way I used to tire Liam out...
    Kismet is a bit young but even rolling a ball around inside entertained Liam at her age!
    Piper's mom, Ann and Sharon7 like this.
  10. Sandy in CT

    Sandy in CT Premium Member

    Aug 5, 2018
    We also used a cheapo toddler tunnel for Brodie when he was little. Set it up in our family room at night. He not only got worn out by it a bit but he also went into agility not afraid of the tunnel.
    Piper's mom, Ann, Caro and 1 other person like this.

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