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New med for anxiety/ stress

Discussion in 'Drugs & Medications' started by SheltieChe, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. SheltieChe

    SheltieChe Forums Sage

    Jan 6, 2010
    So we finally got Lactium, boy Leo was a changed man today during his classes. Generally he is very perky boy who alerts easily to every sound that is going on and since our obedience classes going next to agility class it is a lot of noise all around. Leo heard it but was very relaxed about sounds, nothing set him off, was really into working off leash, easily recallable, actually slept in his crate during other dogs agility runs. I am planning to use it as needed and build positive response "bank account" tall enough to keep us going for looong time.
  2. Lahree

    Lahree Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 15, 2008
    North Texas
    You think it works better than L-Theanine? I still haven't had to use it for Ellie. She is doing so well at the moment. However, tomorrow and Friday we will have the fence workers and the roof workers start. There will be a lot of noise and activity.
  3. OntarioSheltie

    OntarioSheltie Forums Celebrity

    Apr 29, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Where did you get your Lactium from? I couldn't find very much info on it at all, much less a supplier.

    That's great that its helping him!
  4. OntarioSheltie

    OntarioSheltie Forums Celebrity

    Apr 29, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Never mind, the last time I tried to research it all of the lactium usa sites were down for some reason. Looks as though they're back up now.

    Doesn't look like it will be an option for us, its too big a pain ordering stuff from the USA and it doesn't seem to be available in Canada :(
  5. SheltieChe

    SheltieChe Forums Sage

    Jan 6, 2010
    I got mine from Swanson vitamins, Melissa do you have Zylkene avail in Canada? it is same med
    Antixane/ L theanine had no visible effect on Leo. Lactium made significant difference, Leo is very auditory sensitive so I think that is where most significant impact was. If you think of classical conditioning it is like Pavlov had a chock hold on Leo " man, we can not do obedience here, all those noises!!!!" Leo was able to relax more with same amount of noise so he was more receptive to training, which made me more relaxed as I did not have to watch his every muscle twitching...
  6. SheltieChe

    SheltieChe Forums Sage

    Jan 6, 2010
    Lahree, I am happy to hear that Ellie feels comfortable in her class. I was attributing Leo problems to his age, teen state of mind. I would think that pups are developing unevenly so sometimes their brains are not catching up fast enough.
    As far as I am aware Zylkene/ Lactium was developed in France and is resaonably new supplement, derivative from milk protein casein. It appear for now it has same effect as benzodiazepines but with no known side effects.
  7. OntarioSheltie

    OntarioSheltie Forums Celebrity

    Apr 29, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Nope, no Swanson or Zylkene in Canada.
  8. Lahree

    Lahree Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 15, 2008
    North Texas
    I am so happy that you found something that is working so well! What a relief it must be for the both of you.

    Yes, Ellie seems to have definitely turned a corner. It happened so fast! I never have medicated her. I do have the meds on hand should I feel it would benefit her.
  9. OntarioSheltie

    OntarioSheltie Forums Celebrity

    Apr 29, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Zylkene just became available to vets in Canada and my vet has prescribed it for Ginny. Hopefully it will help her with whatever traumatized her!

    I feel that Toby is beyond anything natural though, so will continue with him on his medication.
  10. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    Are you going to start Ginny on this?

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