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Recipe for Sweet Potato chews

Discussion in 'Recipes' started by karol, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    The parchment paper would be to keep them from sticking to the cookie sheet. The dehydrator sounds like a good idea.
  2. karol

    karol Forums Regular

    Jun 26, 2010
    Rochester NY
    I've been roasting them on parchment paper as well. Then when I'm ready to either store them in the refrigerator or freeze them I reuse the parchment paper and use it between layers in my plastic container (cutting it to size)

    .....to this day it remains to be Sadie's most favored treat.

    I use it in her Kong toy when I want it to last a bit longer. Even frozen it is still soft enough to squish along the side. (I don’t bake mine until they are crispy. I bake mine until they are only just starting to turn brown on the thin ones)
  3. Fragglejh

    Fragglejh Forums Regular

    Feb 8, 2012
    Only just started to do a bit more reading around on this forum having spent most of my time reading about either dog training or puppy related stuff. Now that my sheltie is 1 and I'm much more used to her quirks I'm finding awesome stuff that I can bake for her too. I'm totally new to the homemade dog treat world but as I love to bake I think I'll be busy and I'll have a very happy friend :)
  4. Judyg

    Judyg Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 20, 2013
    Riverside, Ca.
    I'm going to have to make these for sure. Milo (my Eskimo) loves sweet potato's and I'm sure he is going to love these...

    Thanks for the recipe.
  5. Judyg

    Judyg Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 20, 2013
    Riverside, Ca.
    I just found this link for home made dog treats. I am not associated with this site and don't guarantee any of the recipes, but they seem to be good ones to me.


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