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Discussion in 'Commercial Food' started by EJHUNTL, Mar 16, 2015.


    EJHUNTL Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 11, 2013
    Ontario, Grand Bend
    I've had Hanna on a 50/50 mix of Fromm Gold & Blue Wilderness kibble. After checking out the ingredients, I'm transitioning her over to the PC brand. It has no corn, wheat or soy, no by-products, no artificial preservatives and comes with Pre & pro biotics, and yucca schidigera to help minimize fecal odour. The difference in quality is neglible, but the Fromm costs 3 times as much. Ridiculous!

    A 2.5 KG bag of Fromm is $23 or $9.20/Kg ( The Blue is more expensive about @ about $26)
    A 3 KG bag of PC Nutrition First (chicken & brown rice) is $8.99 or $3.00/Kg

    Fromm gets a 4 star rating on Dog Food Advisor
    PC Small breed gets 4.5 stars

    Cal per/cup: Fromm 408, PC 410

    protein 24%
    fat 16%
    fibre 3.5%
    moisture 10%
    Omega 3 - 0.5%
    Omega 6 - 2.5 %

    PC Nutrition
    protein 27%
    fat 17%
    fibre 4.0%
    moisture 10%
    Omega 3 - 0.5%
    Omega 6 - 2.5 %
    Luteine - 100mg/kg

    The bag also has a great zip lock with a slider so it actually stays closed.

    Link with more info:
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015

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