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The Mystery of the Ghost Pooping Sheltie

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by Margi, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    I'm so sorry, both for Benson and for your wallet!! But thank you for giving us all a heads up on another *something* that can happen with Sheltie guys!!
  2. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    He's home. I have blocked every piece of furniture so he can't get up. He tried to jump in the van. He tried to run out when neighbor dogs barked. Dog door was already closed. Lord help me. 10 days? I'll be insane. So far he hasn't looked at the stitches. I never had to use the cone on Fil or Koko so maybe get lucky there again. Perhaps the pain meds will knock him out for a bit...
    Ann, Cindy, Sandy in CT and 3 others like this.
  3. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Oh believe me I remember with Meadow, and that's worse because it's abdominal instead of external. The pain meds should definitely take the edge off. Meadow was definitely pretty dozy for about 24 hours after surgery from anesthesia and pain meds. So glad he's home safe though and obviously, feeling pretty good!
  4. Ron Atkinson

    Ron Atkinson Premium Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Sugarcreek, Ohio
    Glad to hear that everything is ok and he is doing so well. He looks really alert in your picture, It maybe long 10 days for you, let's hope not. :fl
  5. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    Thanks--he is. Really alert. 200 mg of gabapentin didn't put a dent in him.
  6. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    Poor Benny, at least your vet was able to get him in quickly! Will this resolve itself now that he’s neutered?
    Fortunately dogs don’t really know it’s their birthday…just have a party when he’s feeling better!
    Sharon7 and Sandy in CT like this.
  7. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    Welcome home pretty boy!
    I haven’t used a cone for any of my dogs. For Piper and Finnie I used kids shorts (altered for the tail haha) and that helped a lot. They wanted to lick more so later when it was healing (probably itchy) than early on.
    Good luck keeping him quiet…both Piper and Finnie were jumping on the bed before I could stop them lol!
    Sharon7, Sandy in CT and Ron Atkinson like this.
  8. Sandy in CT

    Sandy in CT Premium Member

    Aug 5, 2018
    Glad he made it home okay! He looks great. Gaba doesn't do squat for either of mine - vet's husband is into Chinese medicine and did give him something that worked a bit better. Deacon had both a standard neuter on one testie and an abdominal neuter for the one that lodged in up by his stomach. I had him gated in the hallway during the day in a small area with a bed. He wore a 'Suitical' from Amazon - best thing ever! Except black with a mainly white dog was disastrous. When he went out to pee, or when he could be supervised, I'd just snap the back portion up over his shoulders. I had quite the time keeping him 'quiet'. Vet texted me to ask how he was and I sent her a video of him doing his pogo stick jumping behind the gate. I had 14 days to keep him quiet... good luck!
  9. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    Thank you! I have the inflatable ecollar and he's so scared of it he just freezes! I am going to text the mom of three boys and see if she has any shorts ready for the rag pile!

    Thanks Sandy if I can't get some shorts I will look for the suitical on amazon if they still sell them. He is mostly leaving it alone so far although I did catch him licking twice. I need to find a solution we can both live with because A) I really need a shower B) sleeping through the night would be good C) I have to go to the dentist Friday to get the permanent bridge.

    I asked the vet when she said keep him quiet for 10 days if she practiced saying that with a straight face in front of a mirror! She laughed and said yeah she had to say that about her own dogs (she has 6).
    Sandy in CT, Piper's mom, Ann and 2 others like this.
  10. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    I think a lot of the meds they give you are too keep the dog drugged up so they are less likely to get into trouble!
    Piper's mom likes this.

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