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Top 250 dogs for 2015 (so far)

Discussion in 'Flyball' started by Jess041, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    Check out who's #150! Our club actually has 3 dogs on this list. Our good friend Savvy is also on this list at #228. This is just the number of points accumulated since 10/1/2014. The list hasn't been updated since 2/15, so we might actually get bumped up or down based on tournaments that have happened since the last time the report was run.

  2. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Southern middle TN
    No Sca since he only runs one team now.

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