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uh oh...

Discussion in 'BARF, Raw & Natural Diets' started by Bellesmom, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Bellesmom

    Bellesmom Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 22, 2010
    Surrey British Columbia
    so I just got back from Belle's morning walk, and she had a formed but mucousy poo.. the raw was two days ago.. yesterday was the dry she had been eating and everything was normal. today was dry again and I was going to give her raw tomorrow.. anyone have any ideas why this mucous might be?
  2. Mikos_Mom

    Mikos_Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 7, 2010
    Vancouver, BC
    I don't really have any definite answers for you... we used to see mucousy poops around here A LOT until things settled down with the low-residue food. I do, however, know that mucousy stools are a result of an irritated GI system. It may be that going back and forth between raw & kibble is bothering Belle's system. I'm wondering if it might be better if you introduced the raw food in addition to the kibble... ???... and then slowly reduced the amount of kibble... rather than doing 1 day raw / 1 day kibble.

    Good luck!!
  3. Bellesmom

    Bellesmom Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 22, 2010
    Surrey British Columbia

    thanks for your reply.. I was thinking too that her GI system is bothered.. seemed OK with the raw but going back to the kibble is bothering her.. I think I am going to let things settle down.. yesterday she had kibble and she was fine, I don't know why it is bothering her today. I'm kind of afraid to go back to the raw now. I sure hope there is nothing bad going on inside her body.
  4. dawns2shelties

    dawns2shelties Forums Sage

    I also think I have read it can be a sign of worms. But I would lean more towards her being irratated with going back and forth.
  5. marymrumfelt

    marymrumfelt Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 16, 2010
    Tulsa, OK
    No, the mucous is normal at first as long as she isn't acting lethargic, gums discolored, things that are abnormal. A lot of stuff I've read said it's plenty normal in the beginning.

    This is an expert from someone who asked the same question on the raw forum I read and the answer given:

    "When first switching to a raw diet, this (mucus poop) may be a sign that the digestive track is ridding the junk out of its system, which is a normal part of detox."
  6. Bellesmom

    Bellesmom Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 22, 2010
    Surrey British Columbia
    thanks for your replies, I guess I am confused because after the raw (which was Tuesday, she had very good poos, its been this second day of kibble that has produced the mucous. I am about to take her for her afternoon walk, it will be interesting to see what happens now. also thinking that like Dawn said, her system might be railing at going back and forth..

    also wondering, there has been a lot of upheaval here the past couple of days with some wallpaper stripping and painting.. lots of things moved around and she is anxious because of the changes.. could that cause the mucous?

    editing, I just took her for a long walk and she didn't do anything more, so it doesn't seem like it is serious, whatever it is.

    editing again, 15 minutes after my last edit, she threw up some kibble and then wanted a big drink of water..
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  7. SheltieChe

    SheltieChe Forums Sage

    Jan 6, 2010
    it could be anything or nothing, could be a garbage raid, unrelated to food. I would wait it out, if she throws up, give nothing for 18-24 hrs, then rice and chicken, then back on whatever you feel comfortable. Check for worms just in case but if vomiting present it is usually something else.
    I fed both of my pups kibble for one meal and raw for 2 meals initially- was more convenient this way. It does not cause any problems.
  8. Bellesmom

    Bellesmom Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 22, 2010
    Surrey British Columbia
    thanks for your replies.. no more vomiting after the one and it was just a bit of undigested kibble. normal poo this morning..

    she has thrown up this dry food before..

    I guess I was hoping to do a combination.. maybe 4 days of raw, 3 days of dry food, but maybe that isn't such a good idea..

    its not fun to be waffling back and forth.
  9. Paeoniaa

    Paeoniaa Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 4, 2010
    ON, Canada
    I know what you mean about uncertainty regarding how to proceed. I am dipping a toe into raw feeding. My plan right now is to feed two raw meals a week (I feed twice a day so it will be a raw meal in the morning and kibble in the evening). Three days after Marlowe's first feeding, he produced a very soft and mushy poo; his daycare also reported seeing him straining and expelling mucus. I wondered if it could have been related to his raw meal (but it had been several days already?!); of course, it was complicated by the fact that he had eaten (another dog's) poo the day before :rolleyes2: I waited two weeks and everything has been fine so I fed him another raw meal this morning. We'll see how it goes.
  10. marymrumfelt

    marymrumfelt Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 16, 2010
    Tulsa, OK
    If you're going to feed raw, you're going to need to accept that poos will be a bit abnormal for the first three weeks or so. It's a BIG change on their system. And mixing it with kibble isn't going to help aid the digestion . It's totally normal to see runny poo, mucus poo, and different poos the first three weeks... and probably longer if you're mixing raw/kibble. Just try to stay calm and know that the raw isn't going to hurt them.

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