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Wellness Lamb kibble

Discussion in 'Commercial Food' started by Leda, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Leda

    Leda Forums Novice

    Feb 10, 2013
    Hi, new to sheltie forum.Just switched to Wellness Lamb Kibble.Anyone have
    any info to share with me?
  2. sable

    sable Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2008
    Welcome! Ifeed Wellness, and love it. Some on the board states it gives shelties the runs, never had that problem.

    I have used Wellness for 10 years. I can say one thing my dogs go to the vet once a year, and are healthy.

    Lucky started out on another food and they changed the receipe, which made him sick, so a friend of mine suggested Wellness, and its suppose to be great for the immune system too.

    The only thing Lucky ever had go wrong when the hub treated him with a few peanut butter pretzels and his protein went sky high. The only other trip is when I had to leave him, got anxiety and his anal gland had to be fixed.

    Lucky is on his way to 12 and is like a pup, spunky. Other then those two things like I said once a year to the vet.

    I also like the protiein %.

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