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Your Sheltie's Favourite Toys

Discussion in 'Toys' started by Spak, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. Amanda Kathleen

    Amanda Kathleen Forums Regular

    May 14, 2008
    My little Shelbie LOVES the soft squeeky toys. She is very spoiled with them because I thought they were so cute and they all matched. They were jungle animals from petsmart : ) Her favorite is the girrafe. She also loves her giant stuffed animal that is a floppy eared bunny, she treats it like a child :lol: For some reason she really likes to play with velcro so I watch her with anything that has velcro on it to make sure it isn't cutting her gums but it is good for cleaning her teeth :biggrin2: She also does a funny thing where she will move ALL of them anytime she jumps up onto the couch, they all need to come with her and she looks at you like "what? you bought them, its your fault." Oh gotta love Shelties : )
  2. Lynn

    Lynn Forums Regular

    Jun 11, 2008
    Chase's absolute favorite toy is actually his bed from when he was little. It's really tiny and he never really slept in it, but a while ago he rediscovered it somewhere and now it's his favorite tug toy. He just goes crazy when he sees it!

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