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A Sheltie for Miley Cyrus?

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by harrisla, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. Aynesa

    Aynesa Forums Regular

    Aug 15, 2011
    Las Vegas
    We knew he'd go oversize from the time he was 3 weeks old! Yes, he's QUITE big, but in this picture he's 15 weeks old, as well.
  2. Silaria

    Silaria Forums Sage

    Sep 19, 2008
    Aspinwall, PA
    Thanks for posting the pictures, Ronna.

    What an absolutely beautiful little sable. He looks so happy in Miley's arms. I wish them both all the best. There is nothing like the love of dog.
  3. xerospin

    xerospin Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 11, 2010
    Looks like the right size for a pet to me :) I have an oversized boy. Hes the best I could've asked for in a dog. Now I shall have to follow her on IG so I can see more of emu!
  4. bi-blacks

    bi-blacks Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 17, 2012
    Winnipeg, Mb. Canada
    I hope all those who put down the idea of Miley owning a sheltie are a little embarrassed and ashamed. Seeing that pic of Emu and Miley together you realize how much that dog will be loved. Thank you to the breeder for setting everyone straight.
  5. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    I am not ashamed about being concerned about the well being of an animal.
  6. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    Right on...that is the bottom line in the placement of any little dog. Very cute pup! :) Love the pics. :smile2:

  7. Watson's Mom

    Watson's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 24, 2012
    I think at least some people weren't so much worried about Miley being a bad dog owner or not knowing what she was getting or running to a backyard breeder rather than the clearly responsible breeder she did as much as the people who are going to see "some sort of a hybrid collie" that "some tags puppy like forever" who aren't going to know what a responsible breeder is or does and who just see this super cute face and spur of the moment run to the pet store... demand will drive supply.

    I know I personally had not heard or ever even read anything about the other dogs referenced. And it certainly never crossed my mind that she would not have the resources to take very good care of that little guy.

    The one thing that does assuage the thought of a run on pet store sheltie pups-- someone mentioned they really aren't the accessory sized dog that the chihuahua is/was.
  8. SheltieLuver

    SheltieLuver Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 31, 2008
    South Carolina
    Aynesa - you are a brave woman as a breeder myself and on the breeder grapevine... I do know there are some that are quite ticked off with you right now. I just hope Miley does comment that she got this puppy from a reputable breeder... hopefully that'll encourage copycats to do the same thing.
  9. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Thanks so much for sharing this, though, in my view, you should not have felt the need to do so. This is wrong that you've been attacked.

    I get frustrated often by how judgemental we can be without knowing the whole story...yeah, she's certainly not my favourite music artist, but that doesn't make her a bad pet parent.

    I had a customer in my store who was diligent in her research into various breeds, and dog foods, and training. I thought she was extreme, but definitely not rushing her decisions. ..yet she still gave up 3 dogs -a poodle, a Sheltie and a Pap - before finally decided to stick to hamsters. No joke!

    My only concern, as I already mentioned is overly popularizing Shelties and spawning more puppy mill, BYB, wanting to capitalize on her choice of breed.

    But then again, I need to de-personalize it. I should worry about any bred that a celebrity adopts to turn into the next "must have". So it's not just about our Shelties. I'm protective of any breed that could be exploited because if publicity.
  10. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Good looking pup Aynesa and size doesn't matter. I have one that is over and one that is in size but small for a male, both are wonderful.

    As to the rest I am glad the pup will be well tended to. As to her I do the same as most celebrities, turn the channel. The only 'celebrities' I talk to are folks that are friends of friends or we are talking motorcycles :lol: (I would say as equals but they are WAY faster than me) The only thing I can say on her is, it seemed a shame the road she choose as it doesn't end well for most who choose that way and she seems to have talent enough to not make it necessary. Otherwise I don't watch any of that stuff as well I don't find it entertaining :pop Though you can tell your young one that I met a zombie at the race track that was also in the Vampire Diaries (think that name is right) though darn it he was faster also. Zombies are supposed to waddle but with 150 HP are actually quick LOL

    Hope you stick around and gossip on your herd rather than just scoot in and out. As Calliesmom says 'we love pictures'
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014

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