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Advantix/ Andvantage

Discussion in 'Drugs & Medications' started by Cindy, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    sigh....its so NOT straightforward. I will alternate the frontline with advantix. and use a topical spray during warm months (which with global warming is more and more!).
    Sandy in CT and Ron Atkinson like this.
  2. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    found one last night on the outside of his ears. It was latched but sooo tiny so not fed at all.
    only reason I found it was because Pico was scratching his ears. Took third search to find it!
    Now I know why primates (monkeys, gorillas, bonobos) spend so much time grooming each other looking for fleas and ticks.
    I had to break out a headlamp to spotlight the area to even see it.

    we have morning/evening/other times routine of finding the creepy crawlies, and don't get me wrong, it's goof for pico to get handled like that. I only got one squeel from him during the tick removal so that is improvement from my drama queen.
    But finding those suckers is worse than a needle in a haystack.

    Never had this issue with Gavin, and we did hike almost daily when he was last able (about 6 years ago). So the tick population has really exploded around here in that time.
    Ron Atkinson likes this.
  3. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Just pulled a small tick out of Elijah. :( :poop:
    And unable to use anything on Faith and Meadow. We've had such an explosion of tall weeds, and that's where they hang out, waiting to drop onto the dogs where we walk every day.
    Cindy and Ron Atkinson like this.
  4. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    I seem to find 1-2 every time we go hiking. I can only imagine how many I don't find.
    and this is with staying out of the weeds and on marked well maintained trails.
    I did buy a spray...Tropiclean. it says its good for 2 weeks but that sounds kinda optimistic.
  5. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    You will have to give us a report on how well it works:yes:
    Ron Atkinson and Sharon7 like this.

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