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Affordable bathing system for the home?

Discussion in 'Show Grooming' started by 2GoodDogs, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    Besides Rapidbath, is there an air infused shampooer that does a quick and thorough job?

    Looking for that salon bath at affordable home prices....
  2. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    Found some more information... but not on an affordable system


    Purchase the BathProTM 5.1 System For Only $1029.95!
    and receive four gallons of shampoo and a HydroSurge® Starter Kit FREE
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
  3. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    just use your hands?!:biggrin2:
    lol seriously though thats probably the best and most through way to wash them and make sure they are clean.
  4. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    I dilute shampoo in a bucket of water -- have a hand-held sprayer -- step in shower with dog -- rinse, lather, rinse and rinse. Blow dry with a blow dryer that has a cool setting while sitting on floor of bathroom while fluffing with a pincushion brush with no pin tips -- all the shaking I wipe with a towel and thereby wash my floor -- it's a small bathroom.

    Gorgeous and no special equipment required and my floor gets a good cleaning.
  5. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    Now that I've experienced a shampoo system (friend is a mobile groomer, she lets me use her van sometimes) I just can't go back to hand scrubbing....

    First, it takes a long time to get him wet to the skin... and a whole lot of water. I fill the tub and have him soak to get him wet to skin...

    Then shampoo application, I dilute, but the shampoo needs to sit about 4 mins to do its job ...

    Then the rinsing which takes forever! And then it is start all over with the conditioner!

    Her sprayer infuses the shampoo down to the skin with the inital contact, no need to spend all the time and water getting him wet...

    Hmmm, maybe i will try skipping the soak to skin first...

    Does anybody bathe their dogs in the yard out of a cold hose anymore? My Labs loved it!
  6. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    No for the hose in yard -- but I don't soak them in a tub of water. I just take my hand held shower head and rub it around real close to the skin like they do us humans in salons. They are quite wet. Then I pour on cupfulls of the diluted shampoo from the bucket and sort of scrub around a little. If the feet are really dirty I will swish each one in the cup full of soapy water too. Then I just rinse with the hand held, again on the surface and down in the fur. I only use conditioner on the tail since that is kind of coarse on the sheltie.

    The sheltie is a breeze! I had 69 & 95 pound Aussies (similar double coat) I did this to for years. In some universe I would LOVE a large sink like my grandma had in her laundry room eons ago since I went from the big dogs to the smaller dog.

    A good pressure hand-held is really all you need.

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