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Recommendations for a wet food brand for my shelties?

Discussion in 'Commercial Food' started by Katagaria, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Katagaria

    Katagaria Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 23, 2012
    We've not been having much luck with trying to get our shelties on a good dry food. They used to eat Pedigree dry food mixed with wet, but we want them on something better than that. We tried Burns, they weren't interested, we even added tuna and chicken broth into it and they went from being interested to only picking at it. The only success we've had is with Pedigree wet food.

    These are the brands available to me to order online. Recommendations? Also, portion size? My shelties are 16" and about 5-8lbs overweight.

    Herrmann's Organic
    Lily's Kitchen
    Terra Canis
    Yarrah Organic
    Almo Nature
    Defu Organic
    Happy Dog
    Hill's Science Plan
    Royal Canin
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
  2. Bradt9881

    Bradt9881 Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 15, 2014
    Fayetteville, NC
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
  3. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Mixing wet and dry is an easy way to get them overweight - I know as I've done it myself. You're probably adding in 1/3 extra calories by mixing wet and dry so you need to cut that back in kibble just to maintain their weight, even more to lose it.

    If I feed commercial food (kibble or wet) as a general rule I feed my dogs half the recommended amount. Shelties are super food efficient.

    Sorry can't help you with the brands.
  4. ferg

    ferg Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2014

    Try cottage cheese mixed into the kibble. Puppies and adult dogs love it. If you feed a 1/3 cup per feeding use a big teaspoon of the cheese. Don't get fancy with the varieties, just plain old cottage cheese.:winkgrin:
  5. Katagaria

    Katagaria Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 23, 2012
    Thanks! Doggie nutrition isn't my strong point. :eek:

    Generally they were getting half a can, twice a day, but we're now just giving them one can once a day about noon. Would you think this is okay? It's just on the two meals they've been pooping like nobodies business, including in the living room at night. :/

    Also, we were thinking of just straight up cooking them regular people food (getting some chicken, peas and carrots, that sort of thing) but if I do that and shift the meat around to different types that makes me worry they will be nutritionally lacking something. I'd need a weekly menu for them lol.
  6. Bradt9881

    Bradt9881 Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 15, 2014
    Fayetteville, NC
    Two meals is a better idea IMHO. Shelties are not as prone to bloat as a big dog, but he frequent feelings help prevent it.
  7. Chinchi

    Chinchi Forums Enthusiast

    May 17, 2012
    Nottinghamshire, UK
    I know you want to try wet food, but have you tried Applaws dry yet? Darla was the same as your dogs, hating her kibble but loving the wet until I tried her on Applaws. Now she will always lick the bowl clean. I think she didn't like other brands of kibble as they were high in grains and she knew they weren't meaty enough, but Applaws is grain free :smile2: If not, and I haven't tried it myself, the Applaws wet looks very good quality too.

    Darla also lost a kilo when I switched her to Applaws so she is now a healthy weight too :)
  8. Sheltie4

    Sheltie4 Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 23, 2013
    Kansas City
    I am totally impressed with Fresh Pet food. It is a refrigerated food that is not highly processed, just cooked.

    I wasted a lot of money buying all kinds of quality canned food when Wendell (16 yrs old), stopped eating a couple of months ago. I feed him strictly Fresh Pet now, and he gobbles it down and is still fairly active and healthy.

    They have a grain free line called Vital.

    I have brought shy foster dogs in who refused to eat . . . but when I offer them Fresh Pet, they lap it up. Additionally, my foster dogs have never had tummy issues while transitioning them. (to be honest, there is not much 'transitioning', as they will lick off all the Fresh Pet and leave the kibble in the bowl :)

    Yes, I am a huge fan of Fresh Pet food, but I know everyone has their favorite.
  9. cookieP

    cookieP Forums Regular

    Jan 28, 2014
    Spartanburg, SC
    I can vouch for Fresh Pet. Many, many of the dogs where I work are eating Fresh Pet and they all are healthy and love it. The slice and serve as well as the vital both get 5 stars on dog food advisor and I've actually never met a dog that didn't like/wouldn't eat fresh pet. Mine is on Merrick, but when I occasionally give him a piece of Fresh Pet from work, he thinks it's a treat.

    I don't know much about Applaws. Their dog food is not yet sold in the USA. Maybe they have it in Ireland though?
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  10. 3Stars

    3Stars Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 19, 2011
    Ontario, Canada
    You might want to check into The Honest Kitchen. It's a dehydrated food, but you add water so it becomes a "wet" food. My dogs love it, and physically they look better than they ever have.

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