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Healthy Snacks for Everyone

Discussion in 'Treats & Supplements' started by JacqueZ, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. jomuir

    jomuir Forums Enthusiast

    May 10, 2011
    Thnaks for posting the pumpkin pb cookies recipe, I may make some this weekend!
  2. Mignarda

    Mignarda Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 17, 2013
    Dover, Delaware
    Dickens's birthday is next week, and I think I'll make him a small meatloaf, with no fillers or spices. In other words, a meat-cake! That should hold the candles fairly well!
  3. Margi

    Margi Premium Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Corona, AZ
    The hardest part of making those cookies for me was using the cookie cutter to cut over a hundred cookies! So ol' lazy butt here rolled the dough out, got out a ruler and the pastry cutter, and cut them into one inch square cookies. Zip, zip, done! I make two batches at a time and freeze them. Three square cookies is approx. one ounce.

    I also made some of the dough into small balls to put in puzzle balls and the bottle dispenser.

    PS: you don't think my boys are spoiled or anything?
  4. JacqueZ

    JacqueZ Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 4, 2012
    Akron, Ohio
    Perish the thought, Shelties don't get spoiled, they get what they deserve!
  5. Greenepony

    Greenepony Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 2, 2012
    What about freezing or just chilling the dough for awhile and then using a melon baller or small cookie scoop? Seems like that would make it even easier. When I'm making noodles I'm lazy and don't even roll out a square, any odd shaped noodles are simply "rustic" :wink2:

    Once Olive gets back to her pre-allergy weight I'll get back to trying different cookie recipes. The Doggy Dessert Chef has posted a couple I want to try variations on to fit Olive's allergies. I'm sure she'd be happy now if I tried making baked kale chips (just no nutritional yeast for her, I'm not sure if dogs can have that?)
  6. bkzoo

    bkzoo Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2014
    Thanks for sharing the cookie recipe -- will have to try those soon. I just introduced Toby & Baker to red delic. apples and they are a big hit! Frozen green beans not so much.
  7. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    DH and I just canned 18 pints of corn, with Shelby's help of course. The little stinker kept stealing the corn husks and cobs. When we were done there were corn husks all over the house. We kept telling her to "leave it" but the second we took our eyes off her she had another husk!!!! She loves her veggies.
  8. tesslynn

    tesslynn Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 3, 2014

    I was wondering about this...my lil monsters go ballistic over Riley treats, which are made from sweet potatoes, and I think they use oat flour as well. Since they get gobbled up quickly, I was thinking about trying to duplicate the recipe as homemade is always better IMHO and probably WAY cheaper. Santa brought me a dehydrator so I am anxious to get busy with it, more food choices for my lil monsters as anything dried and crunchy is appreciated. I just read that pineapple or zucchini added to their food (the dog listener book) would curb the trying to eat their own "brownies". Savannah my younger one has decided this is something to include in her diet-ick! Never had a sheltie that did this, but Savannah is my educator, she has defied all previous sheltie behavior, and NOT in a good way, :-(. She tries my patience. I have never had any of my dogs go for carrots, popcorn is a hit, and I get attitude if I neglect to share. Mostly my dogs eat what I eat, and I eat pretty much paleo and for my blood type, so they are spoiled rotten, but are quite happy and healthy. My 2nd sheltie use to sneak parsley that I grow in the garden, she was particularly fond of the Italian variety. It cracks me up what food preferences my shelties have had!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2014

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