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Harper Lee liver enzymes

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by famous seamus, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Lynnel

    Lynnel Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 21, 2011
    Oceanport, NJ
    Bacca and Harper

    Barb I am so sorry to hear about Bacca, it's so much harder when there so young, but going to quickly is always a shock, but be comforted by Bacca not suffering long. I'm sorry I haven't been on in months.
    I ammsomglad to hear Harper is doing better, the horror you were going through I can't imagine, I'm sure it was like Seamus all over again. Thank God Harper is better. Just a thought I have a new dr from U of PA and he's great and I have always had thyroid issues with Max until now and it's simple, just split his does into two doses twelve hours apart. It does make a difference. Max is doing better. Prayers for you both.
  2. famous seamus

    famous seamus Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 19, 2011
    new jersey
    OMG Lynnel, that is great news about Max. Yes, yes, yes. Simple as that.

    Good news!


  3. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    I'm so glad that things are stabilized!!!! :smile2: Hugs and prayers to both of you! Hang in there, darling!

    I don't need to tell you, of course, to stay on top of it. You've been there and know the drill.

    Do keep watch on the thyroid. I don't think the illnesses are directly related, but I concluded with Bacca that one made the other worse. Seems that there was always something going up and down whether thyroid or liver enzyme.
  4. famous seamus

    famous seamus Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 19, 2011
    new jersey
    Oh yes, it is always something. She gets another thyroid check in two months. My rescue friends in Ohio said that they have seen Horner's Syndrome in several of their babes over the years. I had never heard of it.

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