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Sandi has been vomiting all day today :(

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by Sandi'sMom, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Sandi'sMom

    Sandi'sMom Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 24, 2008
    Central Ohio

    Indeed it is. Thank you so much, Chris.
  2. Sandi'sMom

    Sandi'sMom Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 24, 2008
    Central Ohio
    Thank you so much for your are, guys. It warms my heart seeing such a moral support and care.
    We indeed are relieved. I continue feeding Sandi with chicken breast and rice, added 2-3 pieces of green beans. She loved her dinner so much that she "dived" into her plate several more times hoping to find more . LOL
    Sure it's a good break from her pellets. :wink2:
  3. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    Gavin gets tummy issues periodically. I have Pepcid in the house and in the car at all times now. It is Pepcid A/C (not Pepcid Complete), you want just the Famotidine 10 mg.

    Also, as far as monitoring hydration. Check the gums. You want them to be a healthy pink. If they start getting pale or turn white, get to a vet ASAP.

    I am very glad Sandy is doing better!
  4. Sandi'sMom

    Sandi'sMom Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 24, 2008
    Central Ohio
    Thank you Cindy. I appreciate your advice. Will check her gums tomorrow as we we were going to brush her teeth tomorrow anyway. :yes:
  5. ute_fan

    ute_fan Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 23, 2012
    Was busy over the weekend and didn't see this post earlier. We had trouble with Callie once. She started vomiting, and kept it up about every 30 minutes one evening, so we ended up taking her to the ER vet. They were able to give her a shot of something to get it stopped.

    In one of the first instances of her vomiting, what came back up included a small (probably 2" x 1") piece of towel that we'd used to line her crate with, along with some leaves that she must have found in the yard. Their main concern was that she could have ingested more of the towel, which could potentially cause a bowel obstruction. The recommendation of the vet was to monitor her carefully, and if she showed any other signs or kept vomiting after the shot they gave her, to get her back into our regular vet ASAP. They would have x-rayed her for us, but soft things like towels probably wouldn't show up anyway.

    She has never vomited since that one time, and when I asked our vet about it, he thought it was probably triggered by whatever plant she'd eaten, but that the towel (which was probably small enough to have passed through her system anyway), could have also triggered it. No more towels to try and make her crate comfortable -- and she doesn't seem to be interested in eating plants any more.

    It could easily have been something she got hold of that upset her tummy. Glad to hear she's doing better, but do keep a close eye on her!

    PS -- She's beautiful!
  6. Sandi'sMom

    Sandi'sMom Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 24, 2008
    Central Ohio
    Awww... I am glad the ordeal is over for Callie. Hopefully she will never experience it again.
    With Sandi everything is possible. If she liked some plant or something she might want to taste it. LOL Sandi vomited a few hours apart. But after 6 pm Saturday it was over.
    Now as I give her chicken and rice I see that rice constipates her. :( So I have to stop giving her rice.
    Thank you for the compliment!!! Sandi is so sweet, funny, affectionate and loyal!
  7. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    Gavin used to vomit up then end of bully sticks (the last 3-4 inches( so I stopped giving them to him. But he still manages to get into things every once in a while....
  8. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    Liam used to vomit every once in a while. I had to put him on a probiotics after he had a bowel obstruction two years ago. Since being on the probiotics, he has not vomited. We do tend to watch for any GI symptoms with him in particular. His burps can clear a room very fast.
  9. Sandi'sMom

    Sandi'sMom Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 24, 2008
    Central Ohio
    This was the first time Sandi vomited all day. Before she just vomited once, may be 2 times and that was it.

    Now another problem. I am worried that she has not pooped all day - constipated by rice. :no:
    I hope she will poop tomorrow .

    Now she must not be feeling well because she has not emptied her bowl today. :( But she still seems quite active.
  10. Mally's Mom

    Mally's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 18, 2009
    Hoping Sandi was able to go poop today. And that she is feeling better.

    If needs be, I hear that canned pumpkin works for constipation and also for loose stools.

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