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Salsa, senior, female, sable, Kansas Pound

Discussion in 'Adopt a Sheltie' started by Danny's mommy, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Danny's mommy

    Danny's mommy Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 2, 2011
    I saw Salsa on petfinder and immediately sent two emails to sheltie rescues in Kansas. It is so late at night but they can get it first light. Salsa is not a mix and is very beautiful. Another senior in the pound. Wonder why?
    Hope she gets rescued asap.
  2. Danny's mommy

    Danny's mommy Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 2, 2011
    Thank God Sheltie Shack called the pound where Salsa is. They were going to put her to sleep because she is so timid. I am so mad right now! Anyways she will hopefully ge released in a few days to them. Shelties do not do good in pounds. She is terrified. I would be too.
  3. hrcarol

    hrcarol Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 19, 2012
    Atlanta suburbs
    They put dogs to sleep for being timid? How awful.
  4. Maida

    Maida Forums Regular

    Jul 31, 2011
    Beaverton, Oregon
    Salsa in Kansas

    Danny's mommy,God bless you. You are so wonderful for all you do for these abandoned little Shelties. I feel blessed to know you through this site. Salsa is really beautiful. I sure hope someone who loves Shelties will snatch her up for the rest of her precious life. Bless her little soul, of course she is terrified and staying in the corner. After all this time, why aren't more people, especially those working in shelters, familiar with shy or timid dogs, especially Shelties? It is so often part of their personality until someone takes the time and gives them enough love to help them overcome some of it. I have adopted many senior Shelties and they all thrived and were very happy.:eek:

    You know, it just breaks my heart to know anyone can give up a Sheltie. They are such a perfect little companion. It has to be because they just don't have a real heart. I don't know another explanation.

    Well, Happy Easter, little Salsa, Danny's mommy, and to all of the moms and dads who love these little wonderful babies.

    Maida, mom to sweet Christopher and Ritchie, and my eight precious Shelties in Heaven
  5. mlamont

    mlamont Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 7, 2010
    So sad.... Shelties are very shy, especially in this type of situation. Let us know if Sheltie Shack is going to get her.
  6. SheltieChe

    SheltieChe Forums Sage

    Jan 6, 2010
    I hope there are few angels helping Salsa. Looks that that hand made rug the picture was taken on was made by kind soul. Salsa looks just beautiful.
  7. Danny's mommy

    Danny's mommy Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 2, 2011
    I am waiting on pins and needles to hear about Salsa. I am praying Sheltie Shack will get her. I am a bit worried though as it turns out Copper was never housebroken, and poor Lucky has his broken leg and Salsa is very, very timid they say. So far only Sheltie Shack showed any interest in saving her. I hope they are not too overwhelmed. My last contact with Sheltie Shack found Linda a bit frazzled. I think I will email the pound and see if Salsa is on hold for rescue.
  8. Tagg

    Tagg Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Brantford, On
    She is so beautiful. I guess with all the economic pressures out there a lot of people are giving up dogs. With sensitive dogs like shelties and belgians the likelihood of them being passed over for what would appear to be nervousness is high. I know that belgians are often euthanized as they are labelled unadoptable for temperment when it is just their natural caution showing. I sure hope that this little one can be rescued. Thanks again for all your efforts Dannysmom.
  9. Danny's mommy

    Danny's mommy Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 2, 2011
    Salsa was rescued by Sheltie Shack and is doing wonderful in her foster home. She is so beautiful. Would you believe it was her owner who took her to the pound to be euthanized:eek2: you can see her on sheltie shack website.
  10. LadyMcBeth

    LadyMcBeth Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 30, 2010
    San Marcos TX
    Danny's Mom, you are doing terrific work....so many shelties rescued because of your efforts....thank you very much....there is a special place in heaven for you....

    So glad to see little Salsa in a rescue group.

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