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Great Rawhide Alternative

Discussion in 'Treats & Supplements' started by Ann, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    I tried the deer antlers.....Indy is in heaven! Bacca just looks at it and says "WTF"....Where's the beef?

    But this product just flies out of my store so it obviously works for some dogs.
  2. Noneeds4me

    Noneeds4me Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 12, 2009
    Southern California
    I love it!! Only then would I buy it.
  3. Jaynie

    Jaynie Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 23, 2011
    Dallas, Georgia
    My girls LOVE rawhide, but I'm also leary about anything made in China. Also, the price of US-produced rawhide is getting prohibitive.

    The pig ears are great - both dogs love them, but for some reason, the lamb and cow ears are hard to find around here. I want to try the antlers, but haven't been able to find any. There are a lot of deer hunters in my area - so lots of deer processing places. Maybe an ad on craigslist.... hmmm....

    My husband (who is not a dog person) recently found out what bully sticks were made from..... and forbid me from ever having them under our roof again! :lol: (They are a little disgusting.) Caused me a great deal of mirth at his expense. (i.e. asking if they made him feel "inadequate" in some way with a cheesy innocent grin) I'm terrible to live with sometimes. :rolleyes2:
  4. Shelby's mom

    Shelby's mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Jaynie that is funny. My husbands step dad loves playing with Shelby andone of the things he does is put her toys in his mouth and then Shelby plays tug of war with her pop pop. Well he also likes to put her bones in his mouth and let her chew on the other end. We have not told him what bully sticks really are:lol: everyone kniws but him.
  5. mcemily

    mcemily Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 27, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA

    All the bully sticks we've ever gotten have had a rather distinct smell... even if I didn't know what the bully stick was, no way I'd put it near my face, let alone in my mouth!

    Then again, I would not put anything the dog chews in my mouth. I have seen him lick the cat's butt. :eek2:
  6. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    well, we bought some antlers today- Cran was interested in them at the store so we'll see how things go:yes:
  7. romeosangiovese

    romeosangiovese Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 29, 2008
    I have discovered that it might actually matter to the dogs what animal the antlers come from - whether elk, deer or moose, and even what type of deer (whitetail, mule deer, etc). I think Romeo and Juliet have a preference, because they weren't too keen on the deer ones I got some time back, but they were all over the moose and also this set that I got from a farm when I was in Alaska (don't know from what animal).

    Also, apparently the colour of the antlers determine how "fresh" they are. Those that are really brown have just fallen off, those that are white have been sitting around for some time in the sun and wind. The brown ones have a stronger smell, the white ones are usually odorless.

    For "starter" dogs, I read on a website selling antlers that the brown ones might be better to start with, or even antlers with velvet on. I'm abit iffy about antlers with velvet coz aren't they still supposed to be on the animal's head? Must be hunted? Or can antlers have a bit of velvet left when they fall off? :confused2:

    Starter dogs might also prefer sliced antlers.

    Here's where I read it.
  8. OntarioSheltie

    OntarioSheltie Forums Celebrity

    Apr 29, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Not to worry, I'm 99% positive that the antlers can be fuzzy when they fall off. :smile2:
  9. mlamont

    mlamont Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 7, 2010
    I second that!!!! in spades.
  10. marymrumfelt

    marymrumfelt Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 16, 2010
    Tulsa, OK
    I have never tried antlers with my gang... but they're not big chewers so it's never crossed my mind. I do dehydrate bully sticks and also calf fries for them! I thought they'd smell horrible while dehydrating, but they don't. I got an email from someone on craig'slist who had meat and when we picked it up it was about 7lbs of calf fries/and pen-is so we feed some, dehydrate some, and it works out... but when I bought the bully sticks from the store... they were pricey!!!

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