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Skin funk...allergies or infection?

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by take4roll10, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    I was checking my dog last night for ticks because she just came in from playing in the grass with the neighbor's dog. I noticed on her right side, around her back leg & butt, she has some blackish/reddish specks and a little bit of yellow flaking. I thought it could be flea dirt, so I rubbed it with a wet cotton ball. No red marks appeared on the cotton ball and the specks did not move. They're not in her fur, they're on her skin. The skin does not seem red or inflamed. And she doesn't seem bothered by it. I attached some pictures below. It does not appear to be all over her body, just on her back right.

    I just applied k9 advantix to her on Saturday night, but the spots I applied it to are normal. She eats commercial raw (Stella & Chewy's. I rotate the protein every month). She also gets Vibrant Pet supplements, fish oil, l'theanine for her anxiety and Calm Sheen (Chinese Herbs for anxiety. I just started this about a month or so ago). The treats she eats are grilled or boiled chicken, raw carrots, Zuke's mini naturals and Nutrisca Lamb kibble (the bag has been open for a few months because I do only use it as treats, so maybe this is the culprit).

    The only other things that happened recently was the fight with an outdoor cat exactly 1 month ago (no visible bites or scratches). She went to the vet & got a rabies booster 3 days after that. I don't recall seeing this skin funk when I checked her over after the cat attack. Maybe a reaction to the vaccine? She had full blood work at the vet w/ a thyroid test. Thyroid t4 was normal. I believe 1.7 on a 1-4 normal scale. Last year, she had a similar t4 result & when we ran a full thyroid panel with the free t4, her free t4 was a drop high. I sent her results to Dr. Dodds, who said it was fine for her age and breed. We did not run a full thyroid panel at the vet last month, just the t4.

    She hasn't had a bath in a few months. Her last bath was probably around April. Can a dog get something like this if they haven't had a bath in a while?

    I'm going to give her a bath on Wednesday and see if that helps. I'll try brushing her tonight to remove some loose fur. Otherwise, I will take her to the vet this weekend if it gets worse or the bath doesn't help. I really hope it's not a food allergy, because she eats so much different stuff, process of elimination will difficult.

    I know some of the pics are blurry, but have any of you experienced this on your dog(s)?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2013
  2. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    That's normal skin funk. My brown dog and my blue dog both get that. I give them a bath, and it goes away. They can collect a lot of dirt in a few months.
  3. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    Thanks! That is why I'm glad I posted pictures and as much info as possible. I hope it is a simple thing like a build up of dirt. I wanted to give her a bath yesterday, but you need to wait at least 48 hours after applying the flea/tick treatment.

    She will get a bath on Wednesday. I feel guilty for not giving her a bath sooner. Sometimes I do slack on the grooming because she hates it so much. :(
  4. MAD3448

    MAD3448 Forums Regular

    Dec 20, 2012
    I seldom bath Hunter. I brush him often though. I only bath him when his fur seems oily. If this is still a problem after a bath, I would visit the vet. My previous Sheltie had trouble with his skin. The vet took a skin scraping and found out he had staph on his skin. It was large dry red looking patches and did have an odor. Good luck to bathing.
  5. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    Looks like oil build up on the skin. Normal needs a bath.:smile2:
  6. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    Yup--Bentley gets that sometimes too.

    I noticed last night that Lexi has some crusties right where we applied Revolution a few days ago. I've never noticed her to have a reaction before. Weird.
  7. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    Ugh bad owner!!! She will definitely be getting a bath Wednesday. I don't want to do it any sooner because I just applied the flea preventative.
  8. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    Yep, garden variety dirt. Pixie had it once and the vet found it during an exam and gave me the tsk tsk. Boy did I feel bad. I know how you feel! :uhoh:
  9. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    When you have the yellowish flaky skin, that speaks to abit of fungus.

    With Bacca's major skin funk meltdown this year, I discovered Nizoral from my vet. Its a dandruff shampoo for humans but does wonders for fungus on dogs. Between 2 x per week baths and antibiotics Bacca's bare skin (and it was bare!) is now almost grown entirely back!

    It's not cheap, so dilute if with water first. Don't use full strength.

    Also avoid shampoos or products with oatmeal in it. It actually makes the yellow patch skin funk worse.....creates more fungus. Oatmeal is great but only if its only dry skin. Any sign of fungus, and avoid it!
  10. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    I don't think it's fungus. It's not really yellow. Just a little flaky with tiny brownish specks on her skin. She's going to get a good bath tomorrow night.

    I'll be very happy if it's just from needing a bath, but so embarrassed at the same time! I think I do a pretty good job with food quality, exercise, training, vet care, but definitely slack when it comes to brushing and baths. I promise to bathe her every other month from now on.

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