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I feel SO bad!

Discussion in 'Puppies 101' started by Megansmom, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. KarenCurtis

    KarenCurtis Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2010
    I just close the door of the bathroom when I blow dry my hair. It is that simple- and Sandstorm gets over it. I am not going to train for this when I have to do my hair and get ready for work, that's not practical.
  2. Megansmom

    Megansmom Forums Sage

    Dec 4, 2009

    He's been doing better, but for the most part I agree with your logic!
  3. mellie

    mellie Forums Enthusiast

    May 18, 2011
    East Coast
    Don't have this issue with Sally, but she kinda goes crazy when people come to our door-this is a desired behavior. Once our guests are inside though the frenzy needs to end . I have found that putting her lead on her calms her down and gives me the ability to get her attention better/ better control. Depending on who has come to visit we will sometimes do high fives and down etc. Maybe put on the lead and require to sit, introduce dryer off -reward/treat and end the session working up to having dryer on for a short time.If she lunges or jumps up just stand on the lead so she is not able to jump up on you...but you should train until able to leave off lead so that she is actually restaining herself. Sally is pretty much to the place now that she will quiet herself down and come sit by me and give me a high five :yes:
  4. mellie

    mellie Forums Enthusiast

    May 18, 2011
    East Coast
    Sorry Meagansmom-I meant he (Toby) also, Toby is only young...Have you looked at any of the Monks of New York books. My Grandmother raised collies and she wore a leash around her waist with the pup attached-really seemed to help steady the pups some and kept them tuned into Grandmother
  5. rosesandlace

    rosesandlace Forums Enthusiast

    It's so hard to be stern with a puppy ... I know I was ticked at Brandi for the jumping up and biting but part of me felt like I was a bad mom for trying to be stern! I tried telling her she was BAD and putting her in a corner but the second time I did that - I realized it was traumatizing her and it almost broke my heart! I started putting my hand out to stop her in the "talk to the hand" position and in my normal voice kept saying "No ... No biting". She still barks but she understands that the hand up means No.
  6. Toffee's Mom

    Toffee's Mom Forums Sage

    Aug 31, 2009
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    I agree with SheltieChe...
    seriously, a dog will just get more and more and more frustrated with negative markers (plus it doesn't feel good for you, and it's not working...)
    The dog will start anticipating and the behaviour may escalate.

    Decide on what you DO want your dog to do during that time, because if you keep doing the same thing you will end up raising the intensity level of the negative marker to make it work and it is a vicious cycle.

    Try and get the dog to associate what drives him crazy with something awesome so that he knows once this happens, rewards are dropping... do that before the arousal state is too high... I love the peanut butter idea, lol
    It's a good idea to look into counter conditioning in my opinion...
    here is a video of how Dr Sophia Yin does it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI13v9JgJu0:

    OR if you don't have time for training it, keep the dog contained ;D
    I have done this since Toffee is reactive to the toothbrush *sigh* I have broken it down to small steps.. I take toothbrush I drop treat... then get him out of bathroom so I brush my teeth in peace, lol... next time I pick up toothbrush, drop a treat put toothpaste on drop a treat, turn it on for half a second, drop a treat... etc etc.. if he barks at any of those times I go back one step to start again and then build higher and higher arousal scenarios each time as far as he can take it. It really made a difference... but does take time and patience. BUT what a difference and I never had to lay a hand on my dog nor get a frustration bite!
    however I have 't had the patience yet to train this for vacuum or the blender, LOL . I just put him in another room if he is being completely loopy, lol... and that is managing a behaviour, lol

    So don't feel bad it happens, just know that there are alternate methods of training and management of behaviours that will NOT make you grab a scruff or shake a dog or make you feel awful... Feel free to explore some of those and you will feel much less horrible because it empowers you AND the dog!!!!!
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012

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