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Tinsel's Journey

Discussion in 'Rescue Stories' started by Tagg, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    Stop offering you dogs? Not likely, that is how I ended up with three.:lol:

    Have fun at the westie specialty.

    Tinsel sounds like he has come so far. Glad to hear how he has progressed.
  2. Tagg

    Tagg Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Brantford, On
    Ah but hand stripping a westie for the ring is what would be required if I say yes to one. They think that I miss showing them, and yes there are times that I would like to take one in the ring but not enough to do the hours of grooming. If I were going to go back in the terrier ring I think I would be getting a little brown dog, like a Border Terrier. Much easier to groom and doesn't require weekly bathing to keep it pristine.
    Besides, still working on getting Tinsel to accept a brush out - sigh.
  3. Tagg

    Tagg Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Brantford, On
    The fence is finished and Tinsel is willingly going outside. He is learning to go over the patio and to the grass to do his duty and I haven't had to carry him to the door that leads out. We are still doing the nighttime run to the other door for his final constitutional each evening - yup still needs a carry to that - but it is because it is June Bug season and I refuse to go out when they are around that we are using the play yard. Once those horrible things are gone again and I figure out how to light the front corner of the new yard - we will take down the play yard. It's time to start teaching him to do the stairs to the second floor so he can join the group at bedtime.
    While he is out in the new yard he tends to stick close to me but if I sit on the bench he will go and do some exploring. The first few times he was really stressed, yawning and lick lipping a lot but now is wagging his tail as he crosses the bridge over the dry river bed and follows me around the yard. Most important, he comes into the house too!. Last night I brought the hose reel into the yard and he was worried about it but he still came in under his own steam for the cookie. Yeah sheltie greed!
    He comes out of his crate in the morning but only if you don't stand in front of it but instead go to the other side of the room and ignore him. Still can't crate him in the car or I would have to drag him out and I don't want to start that. He enjoys going out in the car and I want to keep it that way.
    I can't imagine what off lead freedom in a 60' x 130' yard must feel like to him after his previous existance but it has to be good. Thanks to the willingness of my family and friends we were able to get this project completed.
  4. maddiesmom

    maddiesmom Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 14, 2011
    port orchard wa
    So happy to read about Tinsels progress.

    Sherri and Clay
    Miss Maddie, Miss Saddie
    Our Forever Girl Miss Ellie
  5. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Nice yard Tinsel now teach your sheep to throw things for you

    Sca the Frisbee Addict
  6. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    and teach them to fetch, too!

    Gavin taught me that real early on :p
  7. mellie

    mellie Forums Enthusiast

    May 18, 2011
    East Coast
    Sally is very envious of Tinsel's fence...she is still dragging an old lady behind her everywhere she goes :eek2:
  8. Tagg

    Tagg Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Brantford, On
    Sca: maybe you could describe the concept of fetch to Tinsel. When he first came he had no idea about what a toy was but now delights in chewing them. He has learned that his waving goodbye amuses me so much that I give him whatever he is asking for. Last night it was a new toy which he took ever so gently and went off to chew. We are going to start the "chase the toy on a string" game as soon as it isn't 1000 degrees in the shade! I couldn't do it before because Rhiannon and Phoebe would push him out of the way but now I can take him out, off lead, by himself and introduce him to more fun things that toys can do.
    Gavin: Phoebe already knows the game of I toss and Phoebe decides whether to bring it back or take off for a chase game. Terrier "insubordination" genes gets to her occasionally. Rhiannon knows the "find" game and Tinsel is learning it as well so even if he never fetches at least he will get some exercise running around looking for the object in question. I also want to introduce him to Trieball now that we can play off lead.
    This was to be the year of renovating the master bedroom and dressing rooms. Instead we have a new fur child and a large fenced in yard. Would I trade the ability to watch a little dog blossom into what he should have been all along for a bedroom that doesn't have painted over wallpaper and cracked ceilings? - not on your life. His journey to the light has brought us such joy over the littlest of things from taking a diced hotdog treat from our hand to the first wag of his tail to seeing pure joy on his little face.
  9. mcemily

    mcemily Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 27, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    I just love reading these updates on Tinsel's progress. It is just amazing how far he has come, and how much progress he continues to make. Keep it up, Tinman!
  10. Danny's mommy

    Danny's mommy Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 2, 2011
    It warms my heart to read this thread about Tinsel becoming what she was meant to be. You are so gentle and understanding with her. Tinsel has the best mom in the whole world.

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