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Bad, bad groomer

Discussion in 'Grooming' started by mrsjjet, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. mrsjjet

    mrsjjet Forums Regular

    Aug 10, 2011
    Soldotna, AK
    I just have to vent for a minute...sorry. My darling husband dropped Sassy off at the groomers this morning for a wash and feet trim ONLY. She has been there before and they did great. Well I guess since he didn't expressly say "don't shave her" they shaved her pants, part of her tummy and cut her back feathers off!!!!!!! I know she was not matted up or anything. I just don't know why in the world they would do that. I would have said something but I had her and the shi-tzu and couldn't see her butt till I got home. Someone please tell me it will grow back!! (ps... She is 19 months old now and her coat was just coming in good. I was so proud of her pants. I told hubby it looked like a little skirt on her.)
  2. Sumac3890

    Sumac3890 Forums Sage

    Sep 12, 2008
    Fort Myers, Fl
    It will grow back in time, others that have had this happen can tell you for sure how long. So sorry this happened. Did you call and let them know you were not happy? I would have as soon as I got in the door.

    Stupid groomers.
  3. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    I am so sorry, I know how awful it is, I had a bad grooming experience myself and just wanted to cry when I saw what happened to my Sheltie. I see people who have cut back the sheltie pants and I agree it looks silly. I do regularly trim back my male's feathers, just the part that drags on the ground tho and I know that doesn't take a long time to get full again.

    After the vet shaved some of my male's ruff I've been measuring its growth and it grows about inch every 2 months. You may be lucky though, going in to spring you may get some extra outer coat growth (as they aren't focusing lots of nutrients on growing undercoat). Plus being young will mean she doesn't have the huge coat length to catch up.

    The bad groomer experience is why I brought a dog dryer and do it myself now.
  4. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    I think a lot of us have been there (myself included!) I was so upset that I cried. Luckily, the fur grew back (though it did take several months)...and Bentley didn't know he looked any different!

    I will say that I haven't trusted a groomer since.
  5. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    Sorry about Sassy's bad hair cut. I will never know what gets into people's minds.

    I have never taken my dogs to a groomer other than Rachel and I know I never will. I used to work next to a big box grooming chain. The quality of the groomers was all over the place. Some very good(show Collie groomer) and others I would send my worse enemy to. But I have seen enough "accidents and such that I don't trust anyone I don't know really well.

    One groomer brought over a dog with a huge gash across the top of its nose and nose leather. She actually tired to tell me that she thought the dog bit itself in the nose. :confused2: Uh huh I know I bit my own nose all the time, it is so in the way.:rolleyes2:
  6. missjenneygirl

    missjenneygirl Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 20, 2009
    Make sure you call and tell them about your displeasure with the grooming and trimming on your dog. Most of these places keep an index card with notes about your dog, ie., skin allergies, trimming desires, etc.
    This is unacceptable. It they don't know, they should ask how you would like your dog trimmed.

    I do not understand the arrogance of these groomers, that they think they know how every breed should be trimmed. It makes me want to smack them, when I see how they can butcher a sheltie coat, and think they are correct.
    I'll stop here, before I go off on a rant...
  7. mrsjjet

    mrsjjet Forums Regular

    Aug 10, 2011
    Soldotna, AK
    Thanks y'all. I was so careful the first time we took her. I had read the horror stories and had schooled my husband. When he took her in that time (small grooming business) he asked what do you do on shelties and the lady said just their feet, there is not much to do with them. She did a wonderful job that time. I did not call her. I was too upset and I really don't like confrontation. I will just keep trying to learn to do her feet myself. I can trim her hair around her toes pretty good but am still trying to get the nails down. Anyway thanks for the encouraging words. I knew y'all would understand :sadsmile:
  8. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Been there and have the t-shirt!

    Went to a specific groomer a number of times with specific instructions, then suddenly I end up with shaven dogs.

    I should have complained, but instead I just found myself a new groomer.

    I interviewed her extensively before submitting my dogs to to her care. And I was rewarded with finally what I was looking for.

    I will continue to use this groomer, but if I ever need to change, I will provide my instructions in writing:

    - Brush out and bathe
    - Trim and nails only
    - Clean out ears
    - You may take clippers to the poop chute only
    - Until you can show me that you know how to trim a Sheltie, keep your scissors and clippers away from my dog
  9. rosesandlace

    rosesandlace Forums Enthusiast

    We don't take our Shelties to a groomer but our Vet has a technician that does nails ... and she is good at neatly shaving any knots from the under parts of their pants. We cut the hair between the paws ourselves ... it's very easy to do that. Check with your Vet ... they probably have a technician that will do the nails.
  10. Tagg

    Tagg Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Brantford, On
    I feel so lucky that the lady that does Tinsel is a collie and sheltie person. I would freak if I took my dog in for a bath and trim and came out with what you describe. Haven't these people ever seen a picture of a sheltie?????
    I at least have some understanding of the horrid trims I have seen on westies - some are really bad and most want to shave the backs of the ears right off but to shave the breeches on a sheltie, that makes absolutely no sense. I don't know what the laws are in the U.S. but here anyone can call themselves a groomer. In fact, I was asked at a Pet Smart if I wanted a job as one when they saw me with one of my westie retirees in clipped coat. Sure, like I am qualified now to do a poodle!
    It will grow back. Tinsel had a bad Portuguese Water Dog trim when he came in December and he looks nearly normal now, just needs a bit more length to his breeches and tail but I do feel your pain.

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