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Quick Miko Update - CRF

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by k9kreationz, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Yup. We had it done Monday. And sent to the lab that same day. So, maybe tomorrow? Probably Friday, right?
  2. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Well, we got his urine culture back. Negative. So that means no infection. That part is good, but that means his ALT levels are high for another reason.

    I decided to go forth with a nutritionist. The internist said after a month of feeding him whatever the nutritionist says to give him, to do a recheck. So, here's to another month of hoping for the best. :)
  3. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Cheryl I know this ongoing crisis must be tearing you apart, even tho you are trying to keep a good attitude. I'm so sorry. But it does sound like some good news, like no excessive protein in his urine. Good luck with the nutritionist, hopefully you can stabilize his weight.

    Please know you are doing all you can, and much more than most would do. Don't beat yourself up. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. nbrard

    nbrard Forums Enthusiast

    I'm not sure if it helps but we are all hoping and praying for the best with you.
  5. Lynnel

    Lynnel Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 21, 2011
    Oceanport, NJ

    I'm so glad to hear you have a ver who understands, having gone through that, i feel your pain and Mikos. You sound like Mikos in good hands, just hang in there and never stop asking questions. Vets aren't specialist in shelties but we are because they are our children :)
  6. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Thanks. I think that's one reason I love my regular vet. He loves Shelties because he had one. And he knows a bit more about the breed. But yes, they are definitely my children. ;)
  7. seashel

    seashel Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 29, 2010
    Kent, UK
    I'm glad the results came back ok, but sorry to hear that there may be other issues to contend with.
    Just want to say that you and Miko are both in my thoughts.
  8. famous seamus

    famous seamus Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 19, 2011
    new jersey
    thinking about you and Mikos. Wishing for the very best.

  9. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Update as of 3/27

    I figured I'd just add to my original listing.

    First, let me preface this with I hate seeing the results and so many "bad" numbers, but I have to remind myself, if the vet feels he's doing well and is stable, then don't worry. LOL. Just me panicking.

    I started him on a home made diet in February, using a recipe that was created by a nutritionist. Dr. S. wanted to make sure he was okay on it as some dogs don't do well on home made. Overall, he's been liking the food and eating it up. And he just LOVES to wake me up at 5am to eat. Ugh!

    His BUN levels are still high, but the number is lower than before (58 down to 51).

    His Creatinine levels went up (1.6 to 1.8), but the vet said since the number comes from muscle and Miko has good muscle mass even for a dog his age, she's not worried. Overall, still not too bad (I've seen HIGH values on the k/d board).

    Thankfully his Phos levels have always been in range and they stil are. It went up 0.2 but he literally is in the middle of the range still, which is really good.

    The big big big number we were worried about is his ALT levels. They were very high the past few tests. It's also partially why I went forth with Cushing's testing. This number was also something that was "weird" because the rest of the panel didn't reflect why it would be that high. Last check up it was 303. Top of rage is 118. This test? 111!!!! Yay!!! It's back down to normal. What a relief.

    Overall, even with some high numbers here and there, the vet stated that he was "stable" and still looking good. So that's a really good thing. Stable is always good with kidney dogs. Not sure if I ever stated, but she diagnosed him as Stage 1 to 2. I caught it early and hopefully his diet and stuff will help him have a healthy life for awhile.

    So happy he's doing the same.

    Here are some photos of him and Koji.
    The first is of Miko in my car. He likes to ride backwards.
    The second is of Koji staring at the door....waiting for his brother to come back....as he whines and barks. lol

    ETA: I called about his urinanalysis. She said it was quite boring so she had forgotten to mention it. Everything looks great. His urine is dilute, but that's normal, no protein leakage, good good. And his pH level is neutral (7), so that's really good. I think it was more acidic (so low), and I've been giving him stuff to make it less so, so he won't form more kidney stones. So neutral is REALLY good. Yay!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  10. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    Glad Miko is approving!

    I bought Solid Gold's pH test strips and I test Bailey's urine pH every once in while. I just slip a cup under her while she's peeing and test it.
    She has a history of high pH and UTI's.

    What are you feeding Miko now? Raw or cooked food?

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