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Mar 1, 2024
Mar 12, 2008
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February 2
Britton, MI

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Forums Luminary, from Britton, MI

Forums Enthusiast
mcguiregirl2248 was last seen:
Mar 1, 2024
    1. sheltie lover
      sheltie lover
      Aww! Your dogs are so cute! I love how fluffy they are!
    2. Shelletlover
      Very, very good news! CeCe is in the clear for bladder infection AND all the tests came back good for any other kidney problems. CeCe's kidneys are functioning just fine. They are just a little smaller than average, but there's nothing wrong with them. The clinic I go to rotates vets and my original vet was out on matunity leave for a while. I like her lots better than the other vet. She said I could get her back on regular puppy food and just continue to moniter everything,but CeCe is a healthy little puppy!! YEAH!!
    3. Shelletlover
      Well, if my neighbors don't think I'm crazy yet, they sure do now. I spent the better part of the day chasing CeCe around with a ladle, saying "pee, go pee" But she thought I was nuts. I had to run out for a couple hours, came back chased her around, no pee. Took her to the vet, and they couldn't get anything. I've been all around the house to see if she peed inside and I can't find anything, yet. So no word yet on if she still has a bladder infection or if they can do the next kidney test. I guess I will try to get some urine one more time tonight, and if not I will take her in tomorrow morning. Wish me Luck!
    4. Chris
      I hope I did this right because I am so appreciative to be added as your friend!!!
    5. Shelletlover
      Shaun, Thanks for being a friend. I'm not sure yet exactly how to work this forum. I think I was suppose to put my reply message in your profile. I'm working on it!
    6. Amanda Kathleen
      Amanda Kathleen
      Oh! You are so lucky! I would like a couple more but we share a house and my sister already has a wiener dog so once I move out I will get another one for sure : ) Maybe one in every color ; )
    7. Amanda Kathleen
      Amanda Kathleen
      Thank you : ) Are all three of those yours? They all look so adorable!
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  • About

    February 2
    Britton, MI
    Dogs that own me::
    Rasha is a 7 yr. old Blue Merle that came to us from a breeder after she was done with her. Her birthday is Feb. 17, 2002.
    Marlie is a 3 yr. old Sable that came to us from a family that was splitting up and couldn't keep her. Marlie was our first real sheltie and she has cracked us up from day one - that is how we ended up with a total of three at one point. Her birthday is Feb. 6, 2006.
    Zoe is our Angel. She was only 7 when she went to the bridge. She was a character and is missed every day. She would have been 8 on Nov. 27.
    I'm a dog lover and even more so now that I have Shelties. I have two reg. kids as well.

    Cross Stitching, gardening, walking.



    Shaun and the McGuire Girls - Marlie, Rasha and Abby
    Zoe - the Sheltie Angel
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