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New Oral Flea med

Discussion in 'Drugs & Medications' started by Sheltiemama, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Well, I am definitely skeptical about new stuff (I'm a nurse, and was a vet tech in the past), and as Dr. Mac says, anything that lasts 3 months... if it's a problem, look out! I was beyond upset when Novartis did away with plain PROGRAM, (lufenuron), because that's all I used on my dogs, and I understood how it worked. It's not an insecticide. Yes they occasionally got fleas but very few. I'd occasionally use Frontline. Now I use Capstar maybe twice a year.

    I was thrilled to find a made in America generic combo of lufenuron and capstar. Discussed it with my vet before giving, and 2 months on, no problem. It controls the flea population in our house and yard and that's what's important to me. After Ally had seizures on one dose of Sentinel, I got very leery of all these oral flea products. Luckily heartworm is not an issue here, I just got the Sentinel to continue getting the lufenuron component.
  2. Sheltiemama

    Sheltiemama Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 15, 2012
    Good stuff! Thanks to you all for replying. Seems we're all in the same boat with this one. Rowing the other way. :)

    And thanks Dr. Mac for weighing in on this one!
  3. Cooper'sMama

    Cooper'sMama Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 7, 2013
    Americus, Ga

    Just give me Advantix II and Heartgard and send me packing.[/QUOTE]

    Me too have you tried Nexgard?
  4. Sheltiemama

    Sheltiemama Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 15, 2012
    Have not tried Nexgard.
  5. PamTexas

    PamTexas Forums Novice

    Jul 8, 2017
    We have, and are fighting the detox battle with our almost 10 yr old Shelties Barnes & Noble. Barnes has the worse of the symptoms, itching so intense he looked like he had mange, all around his beautiful eyes, the top of his head between ears, and the top center of his back, this after being on it only since 8/2016. Symptoms started in November/December it started with itching. Noble's symptoms, are paralyzing in hind legs, can't stand for long, jumping up onto couch or bed is very weak in back legs, sits or lays down if not walking, and itching rash on belly/groin area, seems depressed, and no longer plays much.
  6. Hanne

    Hanne Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2014
    If I have understood your post correctly (as you know my English is bad)

    It is a terrible pity for for Barnes & Noble if they get so ugly after-effects of something that we will only use to help them.

    I have not tried it because I do not like the idea that they are eating it and that ticks must bite before it has an effect.

    Poor, poor fur kids :hugs
  7. MissyGallant

    MissyGallant Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 20, 2011
    We have a pretty bad flea problem in our neighborhood. It started when the poor unloved German Shepard lived next door. They moved 2 years ago. No fleas last year. But this year- with the non-stop rain and the mild winter- watch out! And fleas LOVE poor Clarabelle. She's scratching and itching up a storm. And I'm at a loss for what to do about it. I used Advantage. Can't use Advantix because I have cats too. I don't like trying new things. I want tried and tested old things. I want to know "this is fine for collie breeds". But I also want all of the fleas dead. Not just some of them. ALL OF THEM.
  8. Cara Sandler

    Cara Sandler Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 11, 2015
    Of course it's your decision, but the reason that new medications are out there is that the tried and tested old things are not necessarily very effective. Just something to consider. The old products simply do not work in my area. My girls are on Simparica and Interceptor and have had absolutely no problems.
  9. MissyGallant

    MissyGallant Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 20, 2011
    I know. I should actually state that I am afraid of new things. I've had an extremely difficult 2 years. The hardest of my life. I'm terrified that if I use something new, and they have an issue with it, it will be my fault. And if I loose them, I really won't be able to handle that. But I see poor Clarabelle itching away like mad and I feel so helpless and worthless. I just feel like throwing my hands up and crawling under my desk and staying there. It's a big desk, the dogs would fit too.
  10. tesslynn

    tesslynn Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 3, 2014


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