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A sad day for some dogs in Canada

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Emmasmom, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. alonsoe

    alonsoe Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 20, 2014
    I imagine how you feel....we are used in Spain of terrorism from inside and from outside our country.

    It's difficult to go on with your live after something like that has happened, but you may, because that is the power of the terrorism.....the fear and the hate, that are their "guns".

    But that scared silent victims with four legs are still waiting someone to be in charge of them....what a sad situation :cry:
  2. Sullivan

    Sullivan Forums Enthusiast

    May 29, 2013
    There are no words that can ever make any of this right. Regardless of Nationality, I don't care if it is the United States, Canada or Timbuktu, a fellow human being has lost their life in a most heinous way and that will never be OK. My most heartfelt condolences are being send to all those touched by this tragedy. :cry:
  3. jomuir

    jomuir Forums Enthusiast

    May 10, 2011
    This is awful, I thought the man who was hit & killed by a car earlier in the week was bad, but this is just compounding the tragedy. I don't know why but the use of a gun in Canada (which I always view as so much less violent than the USA as far as gun violence goes), well it really disturbs me. And I'm from Detroit where gun violence is common sadly. When we go visit Windsor, we always remark how much safer it feels just knowing everyone isn't packing heat.

    I saw a clip of the dog last night on the news, it was so sad. I can't imagine how scary it was for you, Barb, driving along then suddenly you're surrounded by mayhem.
  4. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Well said, EmmasMom!

    This is a scary world we live in, where you just never know what will come at you. I'm still in tears over this event. And the dog photos will also haunt me!

    Yes, it was only 1 person, but it could have been our entire legislature, except for the heroics of one lone man....our Seargeant at Arms....Ken Vickers. If you haven't seen the Globe and Mail video of the 30+ gunshots being fired in our parliament, and that one hero took this killer down.....its worth a look see. Very chilling.

    Hugs everyone!
  5. SueEllen

    SueEllen Forums Regular

    Jan 3, 2014
    I work for a Crown Corporation in Ottawa & was part of the lock down earlier this week. The unknown was the worst part, not knowing how many shooters there were and what was going on around us.. It really had a huge impact on the city however the response by the rest of the world was incredible in all the support from everyone in other countries.

    On Friday I had a meeting at the Chateau Laurier Hotel & walked past the War Memorial on the way there and just had to stop amongst all the people paying their respects. I choked up & got teary eyed walking by, just realizing how vulnerable we are every day. What a beautiful young man Nathan was not to mention a great father & animal lover.

    I must say the pics of his dogs peeking under the fence waiting for him just added to the impact :(

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