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Average puppies per litter

Discussion in 'General Breeding Discussion' started by Narmowen, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. Narmowen

    Narmowen Forums Enthusiast

    May 20, 2008
    Just wondering what everyone basic average is for those who breed.

    Molly's average was 4. 3 litters, 3 in the first, 2 in the 2nd and 7 in the fourth. Out of that, there were 4 blues, 8 tri colors. 4 females, 8 males.

    Lizz had 5. 4 tri, 1 blue. 2 female, 3 male.

    Faith had an average of 7.5, with 8 in her first litter, 7 in her 2nd. A mix of tri's and tri-factored sables. Can't remember how many of each.

    Faith is Lizz's mother, who is Molly's mother.
  2. granite

    granite Forums Sage

    Apr 6, 2008
    Sasha has had only one litter of 3.

    Emma's average is 8 (the uber-mom), 6 in the first, 9 in the second, and 9 in the third.
  3. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    I haven't personally bred a litter(will if Diva turns out) but I know my dogs breeder very well and been there for her dogs litter. So let's see

    Chyma- litters of 2 and 4 All Sable
    Her daughters
    Mattie -one litter 4 All Sable
    Kynde-litter of 5 and 3 All sable 5 bi factor and 3 pure for
    Keta- one litter of 2, pyo before next litter All sable

    Liberty (Kynde daughter)- litter of 5 2Bi blue, 2 Sable Merle, 1 sable
    Hope (Mattie daughter)-litters of 2 and 3 2 pue fore sable, 1 factored sable 2 tri
    Sunday(Kynde daughter) one litter of 4 Factored sables.

    Image not related to above
    3 litters -4 ,4 and 3 4 Blue merles, 4 tri, 2 sables and 1 sable merle
  4. SheltieLuver

    SheltieLuver Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 31, 2008
    South Carolina
    Well... I have had only two litters so far.

    Annie had three and Macy had seven.
  5. HopeShelties

    HopeShelties Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 2, 2008
    My litters generally have 4-6 puppies

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