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breeding age

Discussion in 'General Breeding Discussion' started by ladyj0911, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. ladyj0911

    ladyj0911 Forums Novice

    Dec 30, 2009
    I was just wondering...at what age would Jasper be ready to breed? He is 8mo old. My mother wants to have puppies. Is March too early for him yet to try?
  2. Megansmom

    Megansmom Forums Sage

    Dec 4, 2009

    You will get lots of very informative, fact based, suggestions here on this forum, glad you came here! Jasper seems a bit young to me for breeding, but let's see what the pro's say :yes:
  3. HopeShelties

    HopeShelties Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 2, 2008
    First, breeding just for the sake of breeding isn't a good idea. The reason to breed should be to better the breed... not just to bring more puppies into the world.
    Things to ask yourself before breeding your dog:
    What reason am I wanting to breed? Money? Because puppies are cute? Bettering the breed?
    Is my dog a good example of the breed standard?
    Could he finish a conformation championship if he were shown?
    Am I willing to do all of the testing involved to ensure I'm producing healthy puppies?
    What virtues and faults does my dog have?
    Do I know all of the risks involved in breeding?

    Breeding is not something to be taken lightly. If you have a dog that meets the standard, and you are breeding to better the breed, you want to make sure to test both the stud and the bitch's hips, eyes, thyroid, and for vwd, at a minimum. MDR1, heart, elbows, and CEA can also be tested for. You're probably going to be looking at at least $500 in testing per dog (depending on your area).
    I would also recommend NOT breeding a dog until it is 2 years old. Hips can only be prelimed prior to 2. You can not get hips permanently done until the dog is 2 years old.
    Also, unless your dog was sold as a show prospect from a show breeder, it is unlikely this dog is truly breeding quality. The only way dogs are sold on full registration with no stipulations whatsoever is by backyard breeders who's goal is NOT bettering the breed/breeding to the standard. Show breeders who sell a puppy who is not show quality sell on limited registration.

    I know, what I'm saying probably is not what you wanted, but it did need to be said. Breeding is not something to do just to have a litter of puppies.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2009
  4. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    A good idea might be to go to your local AKC kennel club page and contact a sheltie breeder. When I was looking for a good groomer I ended up for more than I bargained for (in a good way!). :yes::smile2: If you want to learn the right way to breed and learn about testing and all the other good stuff maybe they could help set you on the right path?

    My puppy is getting her ears tipped for free (except for cost of supplies) because my sheltie breeder friend wants practice for when her next litter comes. :biggrin2: They can teach you all kinds of good stuff, even if you are not interested in breeding (like me!).
  5. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    Perfectly written. I couldn't agree more.
  6. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    Thanks Hopeshelties for an excellant post!
  7. tofu pup

    tofu pup Moderator

    Aug 28, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Fabulous post, HopeShelties - it gets a big Thumbs Up! from me.

    Breeding dogs - doing it right, doing it carefully - takes a lot of time, energy, money, and know-how.

    If you and your mom want to go down this road, find yourselves a mentor through a local Sheltie club. (Check out assa.org for breeders and Sheltie clubs in your area.) Having an experienced, ethical, and knowledgeable mentor in your corner is the place to start.
  8. Katniss

    Katniss Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 15, 2009
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    I just wanted to say thank you for your post. It is perfectly stated and very clear. And personally, I couldn't agree more - well done.
  9. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    Fabulous post!! I dont think anyone could have said it better!!! Sounds like your track to becoming a great breeder!! :smile2:
  10. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Ditto, and ditto to Tofu Pups recommendation to find a mentor.

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