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Do Ladies Blow Coat Twice A Year?

Discussion in 'Grooming' started by Smudge, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    I was looking for random treat recipes when I found this website:


    It says on that page that females blow coat (or shed, whatever) twice a year. It makes a reference to females shedding/blowing coat after they come out of heat. So, does this mean that a spayed dog will only blow coat once a year?

    I have never read this anywhere before, but then again I never really thought about it much. If she's going to blow coat twice a year then I am going to hide under the kitchen table and you can just tell me when it is over. :lol:

    Fluffy is spayed, but I was just wondering about this, because I have never heard it before!
  2. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    Ember used to blow her coat like clock work after her season. I spayed her when she was 2.5yrs and she was about 2 weeks from went she should have gone into season. She blew her coat on schedule and then didn't blow her coat again until this summer at age 5yrs. It just kept growing and growing.

    Diva so far blows her coat right before she goes into season. It was not as bad the last time as the previous ones though.

    Justice has always blown his coat out in late summer once a year. One year he blew it twice ut I was messing with his diet. From what I can tell this is typical of boys.
  3. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    I knew dogs lost coat when they were pregnant, but I didn't know they did it while they were in heat, too! :eek2:

    Good grief! How do people who show keep their females in coat?! You'd be missing half a year of showing!

    Fluffy's coat isn't thick, but it is long. Smudge's coat is short and thick. I like the way Smudge's coat feels, but I like the way Fluffy's looks. Smudge has blown his coat once. This is going to be a hairy spring. :lol:
  4. mikebdub

    mikebdub Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 21, 2008
    Belcamp, MD
    Cali is doing this right now @ 3 years old. I am noticing A LOT more black fur around the house!
  5. missjenneygirl

    missjenneygirl Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 20, 2009
    Bitches grow coat when they are pregnant. They can get very bloom-y, and some people would show them until they got too roundish. That thought has gone by, as there is a tendency to think there are less litters in a bitch now, and most people don't want to risk it. Then the strong hormonal surge sets whelping into motion. Also signaling to start lactation. It's a rollar-coaster of hormones, also effecting the coat. The end result is, she will blow coat when the pups are about 6-8 weeks.....and it's ugly! Naked.
    Ann has been a trooper about Checker's lack of coat...twice. You can figure on a show coat about 7 months after whelping.
  6. missjenneygirl

    missjenneygirl Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 20, 2009
    I think I have mentioned this before, but it is worth repeating. When your dog or bitch starts blowing coat, bath them in warm water, and it will release the coat. I have seen it where, when they are still in the bath a giant patch will be just hanging on, and you can remove it with a grey hound comb in one big piece. Tofu Pup is very good at this. The sooner you get the old dead undercoat out, the sooner the new coat will start coming in. Because, they don't shed and grow coat at the same time. This technique keeps your house cleaner. I also tell people to drop the dog off at a grooming shop, and pick him up at the end of the day. That's the easy way!
  7. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    Girls blow coat if you look at them wrong. : )

    My Collie blows coat 8 weeks after her season, AND in the summer. She was spayed yesterday though, so hopefully my vacuum cleaner will be spared this year. She is Smooth, and still worse than all the Shelties combined.

    My Sheltie who just had puppies is just now losing coat, and the puppies are 12 weeks old. She nursed until they were 8 1/2 weeks. My third girl lost all her hair (think puppy coat blow) after she was in season. It's just starting to come back.
  8. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    Emma was spayed in April. The last week or so she has been blowing coat like crazy. Yesterday, I used the rake on her and I am so glad I was outside - the undercoat just came off like crazy. she is the first female Sheltie I have had. Now, my two boys used to blow coat twice a year, in spring and fall with the weather changes.

    I did bath Emma last Saturday and it was after that her undercoat really loosened.
  9. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    I remember someone telling me that males blow their coat (big time) around 1 year of age. Is that also true of females?

    Lexi is shedding a lot of undercoat right now (she's 11 months). So is Bentley, but I figure this is his once a year shed. It's super hot out.
  10. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    Emma is like crazy the last few days. She will be one on the 21st. The weather is cooler here now, coming up to fall.

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