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First Trial results

Discussion in 'Obedience' started by Rileys mom, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    you can stay in Rally Novice B forever if you want. until you get a leg in Advanced, you can show Riley in RNB as long as you want.

    I also was hesitant to move up to Advanced and off leash heeling. advice that I got was that too many people move up too soon and have lots of non qualifying trials.
    when Cran broke his sit stay in his first try at Beginner Novice to come heel with me around the ring- then I knew we were ready to try Rally Advanced.

    practice all the novice signs off leash. learn the advanced signs- on leash until you both have them down, then move to off leash.
    enter advanced when you are comfortable.

    we are getting ready to start practicing excellent signs- there are a few of those that we will need some work on.......
  2. Rileys mom

    Rileys mom Forums Enthusiast

    May 6, 2013
    Thats great we can stay in RNB. I would like to finish our title at the next trial and then do RNB a few times before moving to Advanced.
  3. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    you can show in RNA for 60 days after getting your title.
    we don't usually have trials that often so never did that.....
  4. fuzbuttsheltie

    fuzbuttsheltie Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 4, 2011
    Congrats on the 2 legs towards the RN title and good luck at Qing in Beginner Novice.

    OTCh Staymat Magnificent Journey UDX, OM2
    Armitage Dazzling Spun Gold CDX, RAE
    Double Dare Derrick CD, RAE
    Blackmyst Poker Face CDX, RAE

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