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Gavin's dotage

Discussion in 'Senior Sheltie Health' started by Cindy, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. Bailey's Mom

    Bailey's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    Are there different "flavors" of his food? I only ask because Katy has never struggled with eating but recently has had issues with some of the Fromm 4 Star. However, when DH changes the type she seems to eat it. It is one of the things I like about this brand that we only started at the end of Bailey's life. I wonder if it might have kept him interested longer. Of course we may eventually run out of options but for now the rotations seem to keep her interested when she gets bored with the offering of the day.
  2. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    I actually have a bag of I think it is lamb that I picked up last time (he normally has chicken; i tend to mix in different flavors every couple of bags when there is a sale on amazon). the fish just stinks too much! He does eat, and once he starts he does he eats a full cup. which is probably enough for a senior. Previously I never decreased his food as he aged from 3/4 cup 2x a day (he didn't put on weight) and he doesn't appear to be loosing much weight. I'll start mixing the flavors of food to transition him over soon and see if things change. and he is getting extra treats to make up for it (every time we go out in the harness he gets treats). I don't want people thinking he is eating a tiny amount, it's just less than before.
  3. Bailey's Mom

    Bailey's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    Katy is the oldest dog I've ever had so its been a learning process. I ask just because we stumble on things and I've learned from reading other posts. One of the things that has worked for us with From is within the Fromm 4 Star we don't have to transition between flavors we can have A one day and B the next which we joke about as the girls have the regular flavors and then what DH will call "gourmet nights" of the smaller bags of different flavors he picks up to try out for them. Everyone has preferred brands and I'm not here to push one it's just the one we settled on as Bailey was struggling before he passed and it seems to be doing well for Katy in her Senior years giving her options. Annie seems happy enough with it as well.

    Since we got her from rescue Katy has been a prolific eater unless she's been sick, see the poop eating post. However the last month she's starting to get pickier about her food and it changes which is where the multiple flavor options has helped. DH will try a different flavor and she'll eat a full meal where she wouldn't take a piece of kibble from the flavor she might have just eaten for breakfast. We feed twice a day.
  4. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    i am using wellness core. I don't think I HAVE to slowly switch over, but Gavin has always had a very sensitive stomache. and with his other issues, messy poops are very much avoided. the food topper that he loved for a few weeks seems to have fallen out of favor. at least it isn't convincing him to eat when he wouldn't before. but we will soldier on! and Gavin still begs when I eat, and loves to lick the food containers :)
  5. Bailey's Mom

    Bailey's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    I know when we've switched brands in the past the vet did have us transition the dogs from A to B. Annie wasn't on Fromm when we got her from the breeder so we started adding Fromm to the food the breeder sent with her and moved her over to Fromm at the Vet's suggestion. I believe we did that with Katy as well although we weren't using Fromm at the time. Bailey stayed on what his Foster Mom had started him on moving from puppy to adult as I remember it until when he got sick we moved him to Fromm.

    One thing I hadn't noticed with the previous brand were the different flavor options that we've had to keep Katy engaged. Bailey was good until his senior years without variety but I wish I had known more about changing it up for him.
  6. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    i have duck this time. last time it was lamb. I try and alternate them with chicken. I even tried low fat once (yeah..not needed when your dog isn't eating!). the fish stinks. I think there is a venison one but that one never goes on sale. I have alerts for price drops :) actually, at this point I am hesitant to stock up ahead of time. I used to have a few bags in the garage depending on sales and such but Gavin only goes through a 26lb bag every 3-4 months and with him being almost 17. I can't imagine having to look at an unopened bag of dog food when he's gone. it's just so sad even thinking about it
  7. Sandy in CT

    Sandy in CT Premium Member

    Aug 5, 2018
    Have you tried a tiny amount of Nutritional Yeast on his food? Humans can eat it, but it can be used as a topper for both dogs and cats. Here is some info on it if you are unaware... It says it has fiber in it too which I was unaware of, which could help with poos.

    Piper's mom, Ron Atkinson and Darren like this.
  8. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    I've kinda decided to chill on the food. he's been pooping regular and a lot of volume (and 2x a day at that).
    I think maybe he's playing me...sneaky boy! I swear he feels heavier than he did a few weeks ago.
    working on his bad leg. I made a bootie that prevents it from getting dragged behind for him to wear at home. It's basically a bungee fastened to his hock that pulls up his toe by his bootie tip.
    It doesn't work so well when he is actually walking in his harness or his chair, but it's good for in the house.
    RikyR and Piper's mom like this.
  9. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    that sounds very clever:yes:
    Piper's mom and Ron Atkinson like this.
  10. Cindy

    Cindy Premium Member

    May 19, 2008
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    never underestimate a sheltie!
    at the beach this morning he tried to pick a guys pocket for treats (well, 2 different guys, but the second one had them in a velcro closed pocket)
    Ann, RikyR, Piper's mom and 1 other person like this.

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