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Puppy Mills list

Discussion in 'General Breeding Discussion' started by Strider, Jan 15, 2010.

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  1. danisgoat

    danisgoat Moderator

    Jul 23, 2009
    Ooohhh...can I add something? Please :biggrin2:

    Puppymills and BYB that are looking to make a quick buck are seriously not going to fork out $50 to this forum. I am sure that if we get overrun with advertisers, lol, rules may change.
  2. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    No, but they'll take anybody's $50, won't they? :wink2: So I could take Smudge (he's neutered - I'm only using it as an example) and Fluffy (again - she's getting spayed example only).

    I breed Smudge and Fluffy, I pay $50. Correct? It's a terrible contradiction to say to test your dogs, buy from good breeding stock, ect. and then allow people who don't do these things to advertise their litter.

    $50 is nothing to somebody who sells their dogs for $250 a pop without testing, ect.
  3. tofu pup

    tofu pup Moderator

    Aug 28, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I did notice that, as far as I can tell, we've never had anyone advertise in the Kennel Listing forum. Nevertheless, it is good to think of these things in advance.
  4. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Thanks for clarifying "my mandate".
  5. tofu pup

    tofu pup Moderator

    Aug 28, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    My understanding is that the Guide is for those looking to learn how to responsibly buy a puppy, not those looking to learn how to responsibly breed their dogs. The hope is that an educated public will give less and less business to irresponsible breeders.

    I certainly don't have the final say on this. If you haven't already, I'd say you should PM Kelly to make sure that she gets your question.
  6. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    My understanding is the same as yours, Tofupup, you are spot on...this is a *guide* to looking for and buying puppies; it is not a guide for breeders. We can only inform to a point...breeding is such a complex and specialized endeavor that attempting to define it here would be irresponsible. But through the people here with experience--both breeders and buyers--we can help people learn what to look for and the questions to ask.
  7. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    So the answer to the question was that anybody that gives $50 can post a litter?
  8. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    I couldn't quote it because it's locked, but I copied and pasted from the rules of posting in the Breeder Litter Announcements:

    How do I place an ad?
    Click on the paypal button below to pay for your ad. You may purchase multiple "littler announcements" of the same type but you must process a separate transaction for each.

    This is the problem I have. I'm having a terrible time understanding what all the hub bub is about making a list when multiple litters are suggested on the posting rules. Please explain why it's suggested to place multiple litter announcement transactions, but then we should all contribute to a list?

    We've already got shetland sheepdogs on the forums that look like smooth collies because they've been bred every time they are in heat (or every other time). Don't believe me - go to the Breeder Announcement List and look at the start dates for the threads. We've got people posting three litters in less than a year with the same dogs, and it's ok because they've paid $40 each time.

    Am I missing something?

    I understand from a business point of view. Somebody posts a litter, people are drawn to the site because puppies are cute. Some people decide to become premium members because they like the forum. Others may decide to splurge for the premium account because they've purchased a dog from somebody's listing. So what starts as a $40 or $50 purchase quickly turns into more premium memberships at $25 each.

    From an ethical point of view I just don't understand. Why should somebody like me (who has a puppy mill dog napping in his crate) be excited about contributing to a list when you are promoting the same type of behavior that caused me heartache?

  9. OntarioSheltie

    OntarioSheltie Forums Celebrity

    Apr 29, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    The answer is simple. If its something that you don't agree with, despite a number of forum members explaining it to you from various angles, then don't take part in the list or read the threads in that part of the forum.

    I understand what you're saying, but I think that more good will come out of the list than bad, and I also think that its beyond the scope of the forums to monitor breeders the way some of us would like it to.

    I also don't think that the many reputable breeders like Janet, who post to the Litter Announcements forums should be punished by removing the forum, because of a few that may have used breeding practices that some of us don't agree with.
  10. Phebe*DD

    Phebe*DD Forums Enthusiast

    May 18, 2009
    New Mexico
    Barb, this may be a bit of an editorial suggestion -- I think it is important to stress the responsibility of buyers in limiting the success and proliferation of irresponsible breeders. If there isn't a market for their product, they will fade away. Educated and responsible puppy buyers are a very important weapon in discouraging inhumane breeding practices.
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